"You look beautiful" he said as he pulled the chair back for me.

"Thanks" I mumbled "You clean up nice too"

Dinner wasn't really that bad, he was nice, nice enough to the point he walked me home after the dinner. No matter how many times I declined his offer, he insisted harder so I let him. People gave us looks as I walked down the dorm's hall with James; it didn't bother me though, everyone stared like I'm an alien since my breakup with Nathan.

A familiar face passed by me, one of Nathan's close friends I think, he looked at me confused for a second then gave me one of those boyish nods "Alex"

"Gorge" I gave him a nod back, thankful that I was able to remember his name.

"How come you live in the guy's dorm? I haven't seen one single female since we walked in the building" James asked as he looked around.

I tucked my hair behind my ear as I looked around the hallway "They didn't have place in the female's dorms and they mistook me for a male so I ended up here, got 2 male roommates"

"Mistook you for a male?" he raised an eyebrow "I don't think that's even possible, have you seen yourself? You're prettier than all the girl here and more feminine as well"

I rolled my eyes "Are you expecting me to blush like crazy and go all soft for you now?"

He just chuckled "No, I was just stating the truth"

When we got to my dorm I stopped and faced him "Well this is my stop" I told him.

He nodded and tucked his hands into his pockets "Welllllllllllll, I guess this is where our fun date ends"

I giggle "That was hardly even a date" I tell him.

He rocks back and forth on his heels then toes "Than what was this?"

I lean back against the door "A casual hangout?" I suggested "Or maybe old friends catching up"

He chuckled then bit his lower lip. His action reminded me of when we were dating, he was always able to make me melt down to the bones when his bit his lips. It made me realize that it doesn't anymore.

"Soo when are we going to this again?" he asked.

I smiled "Friday seems okay" I told him.

He gave me a smile, one that indicated that he's not certain about something "Will that one be a date though?" he asked.

I shook my head "Baby steps, James, baby steps"

He chuckled then went for a kiss on my cheek "I'll call you tomorrow" he smiled "Goodnight, Alex"

I gave him a smile before I unlocked the door. The beds were empty, both Noah and Nathan were nowhere to be found, which was expected since it was only 9:30 p.m. It's too early for anyone to be back in the door.

Before the door could close, I rushed back out to find James still walking in the opposite direction.

"James" I called.

He turned with a confused expression.

I know I'll regret this later but fuck it "Do you want to come in and stay a little longer?"

With a smile, he walked back to me "Sure"

I led the way inside and he shut the door behind him, then took the seat on the bed next to me. I was nervous since I didn't know how to react to this kind of situations, it was always Nathan who started these kinds of thing.

"So which one is him?" he asked referring to a picture of Sam, Nathan, Noah and I on the wall "The boyfriend I mean, a girl as beautiful as you must have someone who's head over heels for her"

Falling for my gay best friend [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now