Girls Try the 5SOP Horoscope

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Leaf: Really?

Milani: Trust me...those guys are crazy.

May: I got...Gary. Again. Is this thing getting reshuffled?

Milani: Yup.

Misty: I got...Drew. Darn it.

Dawn: I got Gary too. Dang.

Milani: For mine...I got Paul again. Dang it. Three. He dedicates a song to you.

Leaf: Gary...singing If You Don't Know.

Milani: Ooh. That could be your theme song or something.

Leaf: Really?

Milani: has a potential to be your theme song.

May: My turn! I got...Ash and the song will be Never Be.

Milani: Hmm...we'll never be as young as we are now. Eh.

Misty: I got Gary with Out of My Limit.

May: Not feeling the pairing there. Or the song.

Milani: Me too.

Dawn: Ok...I got Gary with Wrapped Around Your Finger.

Milani: 3 out of 4 got Gary. WOW.

Leaf: Wow, Dawn. Three Garys in a row.

Dawn: I'm sorry, Leaf! It's a game.

Leaf: It's fine.

Dawn: At least you got Gary too.

Milani: Yup. So anyway...Leaf and Misty got one point each. Dawn and May...nada. For that one...I got Ash dedicating Daylight. Okay...let's go to number four. This guy is your BFF.

Leaf: I got Gary. Again.

May: Ooh! Best friend and lover!

Leaf: Ew.

Milani: Come on, Leafy.

Leaf: Ugh...don't call me Leafy.

Milani:'s the special nickname her BFF gives to her.

May: I got...Gary...again. Ugh.

Misty: I got Drew. Okay...

Dawn: And I got...Paul! Yay!

Milani: For mine I got Drew.

May: Cool! You and Drew are really best friends!

Milani: We prefer Best Cousins. Anyway...Leaf got two points. Misty and Dawn got a point each. Still none for May. COME ON!!!

Misty: Let's proceed!

Milani: Five. You play video game with...

Leaf: I got Drew.

May: I got Gary. AGAIN! WHY?!?!?!

Milani: If the guys were here, those two would be having a glare-off by now.

Misty: I got Paul and Ash. Awesome!

May: I wonder why Paul is even there.

Dawn: I got Gary and Ash. Aww...why no Paul?

Milani: Wow. I got all four of them.

Dawn: Wow.

Milani: Anyway...Misty and Leaf have two points. Dawn with a point. Still none for May. Six. This will be...a bit...intriguing. Don't take this seriously, girls. He has a crush on you. Dun-dun-duuuuuun.

Leaf: I got Drew and Ash. Aww...Gary-berry isn't here.

Milani: Aww. You do care about Gary-berry.

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