"That's. It. I am done with Zupay! Of course, I can't let him know that, or he'll beat me up. I have to get others to vote him off with me secretly."


Mag hopped through the woods. She found a clearing, and there was a picnic blanket set up with food everywhere.

Mucus sat at the blanket.

"You did all this for me?" Mag asked, sitting at the blanket.

"Of course," Mucus replied.

They ate and talked for awhile.

* * *

"Hey Silvester," Ender said. "Wanna be in an alliance with me?"

The two of them were in their cabin. No one else was there.

"I'm already in an alliance with Mucus," Silvester replied. "But he'll probably allow you to join it."

"Can't we ask him?" Ender asked.

"Nah, he's on a date with his girlfriend," Silvester replied.

"Girlfriend? Mag? Uh oh," Ender said.

"What?" Silvester asked.

"Last time there was a couple on this show, Wither seperated them. If he finds out about these two, he'll do the same!" Ender explained.

"Well honestly, I don't really like Mag. But I'm not gonna tell Mucus that," Silvester said.

"Yeah, but Wither got rid of the guy first. You know what that means," Ender replied.

"Oh no, Mucus," Silvester said in realization.

"We have to make sure this couple remains a secret," Ender said determinedly.

* * *

"Ya know, I've never met a girl quite like you," Mucus said.

"That's because Magma Cubes are from the Nether," Mag chuckled.

"That's not what I meant," Mucus replied. "You're very unique. I think I might...love you."

"I think I might love you too," Mag said.

They hopped closer to each other.

* * *

Wither was flying through the woods.

"What are we doing out here?" Larry asked.

"We need supplies," Jerry replied.

"Again? We got supplies two days ago," Larry said.

"Yes, but it has been requiring more supplies lately," Jerry responded.

"Do we have to devour more cow souls?" Barry asked.

"Yes. Wait. What is that?" Jerry asked. He gestured to a clearing in the woods.

There was a picnic blanket.

And Mag and Mucus were about to kiss.

"Another couple?" Jerry asked. "Not on my watch."

He flew over to them, and right before they kissed, he flew out of the sky and yelled, "RAAAAAAAAAAAA!"

Mucus and Mag jumped apart.

"What is wrong with you?!" Mucus yelled.

But Wither had already flown away.


Mucus' Confessional

"Notch, Wither is annoying. We need to vote him off."

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