Chapter 25

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Shai POV

Marcus told me that I was overreacting but I think he's only saying that because he likes my Dad.

Even though they met like three times but not actually "met".

But I think he's wrong because my father wouldn't have react the way he did if it was a mistake of him calling me the wrong name.

I saw Mom walking towards her room and I stopped her just in time to talk to her.

"Mom you got a minute ?"

"Yeah, wassup ?"

It's weird that she sometimes talks like Dad but he says that's real love once your partner begins to do that.

"Can we sit down in your room ?"

She stared at me before opening their room door, "What's on your mind kiddo ?"

She sat on the bed and I sat next to her, "Well Dad and I got into an argument yesterday and-"

"I'm not going to take sides.", She shook her head, "You two will work-"

"It's nothing about sides. It's something he said that caught me off guard and its been on my mind for most of the day."

"What did he say to you ?", She asked, clearly angry at what insane thing Dad would say to me.

"It's nothing crazy like that. He called me a name that resulted to him shutting me out on. He even lied about it and said that he didn't when we both knew he did."

"What was the name ?"


I took my phone out to unlock it, "I broke into his office earlier and started to investigate. I found a picture in his files and I didn't know if this was her or not, but then I saw her name on the back of the picture."

I showed her the picture of the woman named Katie and she stared at the picture before looking at me. Tears formed in her eyes and now I was really washed with confusion.

"I didn't want to hurt you but to be flat out honest, I think she's the lady that Dad is cheating on you with."

She wiped her eyes, "Your Father is not cheating Shai."

"Mom I know you don't want to believe it, but I don't want to see you get hurt-"

"He's not cheating.", she stated more clearly.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Who is she ?"

Just as the moment couldn't get any better, Dad walked straight in.

"Why do I feel like I just walked in on some scary movie shit ?", He laughed.

I looked back at Mom and she stared at Dad with sad eyes.

He stopped smiling and stared at me before locking eyes with Mom.

I knew that there was something about this woman that they aren't telling me. It's frustrating the hell out of me and I just want the answer from either one of them, I don't care ! I just want the truth and the little patience I have is wearing thin.

"Who is she ?", I asked Mom again.

Her and Dad still had their eyes locked to one another's.

"Shai there's something important you need to know. Something that I should've told you a long time ago.", Mom said.

"Then tell me ! Quit beating around the bush and just let me know."

"B-before I got with your father there was another female."

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