Chapter 11

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Mell POV

I was on my way to school this morning but I got a call from Marcus talking about Josiah. I instantly made a sharp U turn caring less about the horns and road rage people that I was receiving.

.... ..

Once I got to Marcus and Khalil house, I called Marcus, letting him know that I was outside.

Marcus opened the door and I walked inside, slipping my phone in my pocket.

"So what happened ?", I asked.

I started walking upstairs leaving for him to follow.

"Shai and I were driving and she got a call that Josiah was in trouble. The crazy shit was that he was in the Northside."

I looked at him funny, "Why was he on the Northside ?"

That's like a suicide wish.

"That's what I was tryna figure out, but when we got there he was all messed up. He was stabbed in the back and he had a gash going down his abdomen."

We stopped in front of his door.

"You stitched him up ?"

He nodded, "Yeah, it was minor bruises to what I thought he would have."

"His ass should be lucky he alive."

I opened the door and saw Josiah sleeping on the bed.

I closed the door, "Where's Shai ?"

"I think she's in one of the other guest room.", He said.

We walked down the hall and I opened the next room door, but it was empty. We walked down to the other room and I opened the door to see Shai sleeping.

I closed the door, "Why is she- I'm not even gonna ask."

"Thanks for what you did.", I told him.

We dapped each other, "No problem."

"I'm gon' head to school with your bro and Snoop. I'll scoop them up after."


"Aight, peace."

I started walking back downstairs and I closed the door behind me.


Shai POV

I woke up feeling drained and not even wanting to move an inch. I slept in a different guest room because I couldn't really take being in the room with all that.

I knew my eyes were puffy because I was crying all last night. Josiah really did scared me.

I got up and grabbed my phone off the night stand. I looked at the thirty-six missed calls, 23 from Mom, 12 from Dad and one from work.


I already knew my parents were calling me about my whereabouts from last night. Damn, I missed school today too.

I'm in some deep shit.

I threw my phone next to me and got up from the bed. I walked down to the other room Josiah was in and peeked my head inside.

I saw that he was sleeping and I let out a breath before quietly closing the door.

I never been here before, so I was kind of lost looking for the bathroom.

I found myself in where I'm guessing is Marcus room, because I saw a lot of shoes lined up on the floor and random caution tapes on the walls.

Yep. definitely Marcus room.

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