Chapter 10 - [Confessions]

Start from the beginning

"So you're just going to give me that land?"


"I don't believe you," Lumyryn said, "there must be some price you want me to pay."

"No price," the Destynian said, "no price but your friendship to our nation. My King finds the similarities between our people. We too were treated like you were, thousands of years ago. But now we have moved passed that and live as a noble, strong group of people. My King hopes the same for you."

Lumyryn just stared.

"But... if you want me to make this easier for you to understand then maybe I will just say that the price you must pay is to be our allies. I'm sure my King sees quite the potential in you and your people. If it ever comes to a day where we may need your help, hopefully you will give it to us."

Lumyryn looked at the group of people at the distance.

"You have proved to be a good leader, my friend," Rodr said, "I am sure you want to do right for the people like you... so lead them. Lead them to a better future."

Lumyryn let out a breath and then smiled, "all right." He said, firmly as he looked at Rodr, "but I do think I'll need all the help I can get."

Rodr of Destyn smiled, "And you will get all the help that you need."

"Two hundred and forty four people?" All of his comrades scoffed together.

Lumyryn nodded.

Sheelah looked thrilled, "That's marvelous! So many people have been saved then!"

Marv sighed, "but that's a lot of people to travel with... we're already finding it difficult with just the five of us and a baby."

"I know," Lumyryn said, "but the Destynians have offered us protection and a home. I don't think we have much of a choice. Besides, we're already so close to the East. I'm sure we'll be crossing the Raffyrian border by the end of the week if we continue traveling."

Marv nodded slowly, "I guess you're right... and we can't exactly leave those people to fend for themselves."

"You could train more of the people too," Mina said, "that way we will be better defended."

Lumyryn nodded, "Rodr returned to the group to tell them that we will be joining them soon. He told me that they wont stop moving though; it would be too risky until we pass the border. Once we have crossed, however, if any Raffyrian soldier attacks us then it's an act of war towards the Destynians."

Khi grinned, looking more hopeful than ever, "we're going to have a home soon!"

"Soon," Lumyryn smiled, "but right now, we must pack our things and join the group."

Sheelah nodded, rushing into the abandoned home to grab her sleeping baby and any of the small amount of things that the friends carried around with them.

They departed quickly, knowing that they couldn't keep the large group waiting for too long.

However, it was as they were departing that they ran into trouble for the first time in months.

Four knights who were patrolling the woods were left unnoticed by Lumyryn, probably because of all the other things that were racing through his mind.

However, when the knights on horses appeared out of nowhere and blocked the path of the red-eyed friends, Lumyryn let out an annoyed breath.

"Look at that axe," one knight said, "that must mean that you are Lumyryn?"

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