She hid behind me as soon as she saw Zoe. Zoe smiled and opened her eyes, showing Cece that she wasn't going to hurt her. I nodded in approval and she slowly walked into the arms of Zoe.

" Cels this is Zoe. She is pratically sister so she can be your honorary aunt." Troye said.

" Oh, so I have 2 aunts now." She said.

" Actually 3. Zoe, Nicola, my sister I told you about, and Sage, Troye's sister." I said.

" Well, do you have any other siblings I need to know about?" She huffed.

" You have 4 uncles." I said.

" What?!" She said in disbelief.

" On my side you have Dustin and Brandon." I said.

" And on my side you have Steele and Tyde." Troye continued. " But Tyler is honorary family."

" Ok." She said, just trying to change the subject. " Is there going to be any other honorary family at the party?"

" Basically all our friends are family, but Zoe and Tyler have helped us in more ways than one." I said.

She started picking at her skin and clothes and I kneeled to her height and grabbed her hands.

" Breathe, ok? It's going to fine. Troye and I will be there the whole time." I said.

She nodded her head and intertwined her hand in mine as she asked Zoe a million questions as I leaned my head on Troye's shoulder.

Zoe and Cece talked the whole way home and Cece drug Zoe to her room, showing her many pictures and artwork she's done.

Zoe and Troye switched positions, with Troye distracting Cece while Zoe and I caught up while sitting up for the party.

We were finally ready by 12:00, which was roughly around Tyler arrived.
We were busy answering the door for others like Joey, Daniel, Ingrid, Hannah, Grace, Mamrie, JC, Ricky, Kian, Trevor, Bethany, Shane, Jenn, Ben, and Colleen.

Everyone was talking and mingling between the kitchen and living room.
Cece walked up to me with makeup, a dress Troye and I had bought her, and converse on.

" Hi daddy. Daddy Tro did my makeup." She said happily.

" You look beautiful." I said. " Can I escort you around?"

She laughed and I took her around, letting her meet everyone. She got along rather well with Trevor, Kian, Joey, and Daniel.

" Ok Cels. I'm going to warn you. Tyler can be loud at times. You ready to meet him and Ben?" I asked and she nodded with a nervous smile.

I walked over to Tyler and Ben, who were engrossed in some topic. He smiled and hugged me as soon as he saw me then started to talk to Cece.

" Hi Cece. I'm Tyler. How has it been?" He asked.

" It's been good." She said.

" Do you like mocha?" He asked.

" She's actually allergic to cats so we gave her to the neighbors." I said sullenly.

" Dad, how do you know Ben?" Cece asked.

" He was a friend of Tyler then I watched his videos and I loved them." I said.

" Tyler, can you watch Cece for a minute? I need to make an announcement and I don't want her freaking out." I said.

" Of course, but I think Ben has her more distracted then I ever could." He said, referring at how Ben was cracking puns and making her laugh.

I walked over to the coffee table and stood on top of it with the help of Troye and got everyone's attention.

" As we all know, Cece's grandparents live either on the other side of the country or the other side of the world. Well, we called both of them and they both are dying to meet her so next weekend they are both coming down her with all of our siblings." I said.

Everyone smiled, but suddenly I saw a line of people move then the bathroom door slam. I ran and tried opening the door but it wouldn't budge.

" Cels, open up. Please." I said.

I heard her undo the locks and saw my little girl, clenching her chest, short of breathe, and tears streaming down her face. My heart broke at how upset and scared she was. I picked her up and sat down with her in my lap. She bundled up the back of my shirt and I rocked her back and forth.I sat her on the countertop and held her hand.

" Control your breathes to the clenches, ok?" I said while squeezing her hand.

After a while, she was able to breathe properly and talk.

" Daddy, w-what was that? D-did I almost die?" She stammered.

" No, it was a panic attack. I know it feels like you were, but it's just your body trying to protect you." I said. " Can you tell me what happened?".

" Well you made the announcement and you guys are so amazing so they must be amazing and what if they don't like me?" She asked.

" They will love you because we love you and your our daughter. Now let's get you cleaned up and something to eat to help calm you." I said.

I wiped off her smeared makeup and led her outside. Everyone had a smile, but clearly worried. I flashed a smile to say it was ok and we went to the kitchen.

" I'm going to give you some cake because you need a little sugar. This isnt going to be a regular thing." I said while cutting it.

She took it and ate on the couch with Daniel, Joey, and Ben. They laughed and talked and I was sure she was going to be happy here in this youtube family.

the trip that started it allOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora