DARKNESS | Chapter 23

Start from the beginning

Then I begin to read the words my parents left to me:

'Our dearest daughter Harper,

By the time you find this, Olivia and I will be gone. I have no way of expressing how sorry I am that it has to be this way. The thought of leaving you alone to find your own way in the world troubles me greatly, but it's your only chance at life. Just know we tried everything we could, and I mean everything, munchkin, to prevent this from happening. As you would know, we didn't succeed. I can only imagine the beautiful young woman you have grown into.

I remember the day you came into our office as a bored five-year-old and Olivia told you that you'd know the right time to finally look inside this vault. For me, that was six months ago. It will have been years since that day for you, Harps.

Assuming you did wait until the right time, your life has most probably changed drastically. You mother and I tried to keep you separate from it, but as it would seem, your introduction into the Immortal world was always inevitable. It is a world of conflict and a greed for power; but also a world of love, if you look in the right places. You will have met or heard of Ashleigh of the Shadows. He became Olivia and I's greatest enemy and will soon bring an end to us. Your mother and I have made mistakes, too.

You will have expected the vault to contain more information then it does. That information exists, however it wasn't safe to keep it here. We needed to ensure you, and only you, would find it. I hope it will clear up some of your questions. There was a necklace left to you in this letter. It is- was- your mother's. It goes with the jewellery box we gave you; at the bottom on the inside of the wood, there will be the same design as your necklace. Fit the charm into it and turn it. What you will find inside will give you access to all of the information you need, as well as safety. Trust them, Harper, as they will trust you. Show them the necklace as soon as you find them. You must find them if you are to succeed.

The photographs in the vault are old memories. You will most likely recognise a few familiar faces amongst them; faces you have met, at this stage in time. The dynamics of the Immortal world were different back then. The Shadows and the Illuminants mixed, and Attachments between them were common. There existed no violence. No hate. The people you will see in the photos were instrumental in changing all of that, and it pains me to admit that Olivia and I were amongst them. Don't let this affect you. Remember: find them and show them the necklace. They will speak the truth.

Use the journals we passed onto you to record nothing but the truth. More often than not, the truth becomes hidden amongst the lies in the Immortal world. The truth, no matter how painful, will guide you. May the dagger protect you in times of great need. It was mine, and now it is yours. Be strong, munchkin.

If you ever get the chance to meet Ashleigh's sons, Kale and Blake, give them each one of the necklace's contained in the bottom of this envelope. They belonged to their mother, Angelique Soleille. She was truly an angel of the light. Topaz was her stone. Her symbol, if you'd like. In her final words, she requested they reach her sons.

Your mother and I love you more than words can explain, Harper-'

I close my eyes, tears silently falling from my eyes as I break internally. Holding them back a little longer, I read on. I have no choice. These are the truthful last words of my father; the final wishes of my parents.

'- No matter what happens, we always will. You are the Saviour. You will replace the lingering darkness of the Immortal world with a newfound light. Don't let anybody else tell you otherwise, especially Ashleigh. He will aim to bring you down, and in turn destroy everything Olivia and I worked for. We believe in you, Harps.

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