37. The Proposal - Part II

Start from the beginning

I nodded. He brought my hand to the level of his mouth and placed a soft kiss before letting it free.

"Let's take the first lap slowly, okay. And try to feel every curvature of the track, cool?" I nodded again. My eyes stayed focused on the road ahead as I started the ignition and brought his car to life. The engine began growling as I softly released the the brake pedal and steadily pressed the accelerator bringing the car in motion.

"Let's keep the first lap slow." Seb suggested as I began gaining confidence hence, increasing the speed.

As the car progressed, I felt my heart beat pick up in excitement rather than in nervousness.  After two laps of attempting to memorize the circuit, I did what any sane human would do. I tested the car at 130 miles per hour, half expecting my personal driver seated alongside to ask me to slow down. Instead he sat comfortably enjoying however I was driving.

I felt the rush as I dangerously approached each corner at a high speed. I felt the adrenaline pump through my blood whenever I increased the speed and took the curb while exiting the corners.

That was until I lost control over the car for even less than a split of a second.

"..okay? You seem a little distracted." Genuinity evident in her question as my boss' boss softly tapped my hand bringing me back to the present, back to the point where I still had to decide about Aiden's proposal, the present where I had no idea when Seb was coming to meet me.

I looked up only to realize that Mrs. Andrew and Max were looking at me intently, awaiting an answer.

I pulled up a smile and waved off her concern, diverting the attention to the main agenda. Mrs. Andrew was Max's boss, basically the head of the department.

By the time dessert was served, I was almost settled, zoning out less frequently.

Mrs. Andrew cleared her throat, "You know Diana, I'm rather surprised you didn't follow up on the Brazil project. It was a brilliant initiative."

I frowned at her as she took a bite of her dessert and continued, "You're very passionate and talented person I've ever had the opportunity to work with and I didn't quite thing you'd reject your own project, especially after the reviewing committee gave green signal."

I looked at Max who shifted uncomfortably in his chair. I cancelled the project?

As far as I remember I received the letter stating that the grants for my projects were withdrawn. I remember the exact words because I read it not once, not twice but continuously over the span of 2 hours.

Max offered me a tight-lipped smile as his eyes pleaded. What for?

Before I could ponder over it more, Mrs. Andrew spoke again, "Forgive me, I had on intention of bringing up that topic-it was your decision and I respect that. However, my main motive for tonight was.. I wanted to offer you a proposal."

My posture became stiff as soon as I heard that word.

'Marry me. Marry me for Abigail.'

"I want to take you in as my.. protege simply put. I have a lot of projects for you and lots of trips to the airport. I'll hand over the projects to you and I'll simply overview them. I want you to work with me, that's all. "

She stopped and looked at me expectantly. But I couldn't say anything, my mouth was dry and my mind went blank. I looked at Max and he sat their with a grim expression on his face, not even bothering to mask it.

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