LVI. Adèle

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Before they continued their journey to Aix-en-Provence, Bash and Adèle made a quick stop at French court.

And as usual, life in court remained hectic. As their carriage entered their courtyard, Adèle recognized familiar faces, old friends, and new servants. She and Bash took up their own carriage, with Theo and Cyril, whilst her parents stayed behind, with a separate carriage. The luggage they carried from Italy took up to ten servants to pack and place in their carriages, primarily because Adèle's parents spent a bit too much time shopping during their stay in Italy.

Excitement flooded through Adèle as they entered the courtyard, for she longed to see her old friends again, and especially Mary and Francis. Theo and Cyril were visibly excited as well, for they knew that once they visited French court, Mary and Francis would come spoiling them with gifts and trips to Paris (something that Adèle strongly disliked, although tolerated). Along their journey, her hand held on to Bash's, as her head leaned on his shoulder, but Bash was soon required to sit on the other side of the carriage in order for Theo to rest his head on his lap as he fell asleep. Cyril, too, spent his time sleeping near Adèle, although he was much more comfortable on her lap and resting his head on his shoulder, as he always did. As the two boys fell asleep, Bash and Adèle shared quite conversations, for they did not want to wake the little rascals. When one of them said something that was funny, they tried their best not to laugh as loud as they were used to (which turned out to be a difficult task).

They had reached French court at last after a number of hours spent inside their carriages. Adèle, still carrying sleeping Cyril in her arms, stepped off the carriage, and then followed by Bash, who held Theo's hand as they walked together. Her parents walked behind her, as they approached the throne room, where they were to give Mary and Francis an unexpected visit.

And truly, Mary and Francis were far more surprised than Adèle expected, but this seemed very much reasonable, for they left for Italy in such a hurry, and when Theo and Cyril were only beginning to grow comfortable with Mary and Francis's company. Mary, who was sitting on her throne, and looking at the window, seemed clearly stultified today. But as soon as she caught the sight of her, Bash, Theo, and Cyril, she jolted up from her seat and walked over to her, and gave her an uncomfortably tight hug.

"Where have you been?" Mary asked. Her grin was yet to disappear from her face. "Francis and I were worried about you, and Theo, and Cyril as well. Oh, why did you have to leave so quickly? And Theo, goodness, you have grown taller!" She exclaimed, whilst caressing Cyril's hair. Theo hugged Mary, and looked at up her with a wide grin on his face.

"Where is Francis?" Bash interrupted, who was standing next to Adèle.

"I think he is still preoccupied by his duties, but never mind him, Adèle, are they your parents?" Mary turned her head to them, and gave a kind smile. Having seen her father before, Mary shook his hands with him first, before bowing before his wife, and Adèle's mother. "Goodness, your mother is a great beauty, Adèle. I see where you get your looks,"

Although her face flushed with embarrassment, Adèle kept her composure and returned her smile.

"Will you stay here long?" asked Mary. "I do hope that you do, for there are a number of upcoming festivals that will please you and your family, Adèle."

"I'm afraid we must leave for Aix-en-Provence by tomorrow evening. Forgive me, Mary, but these festivals have to be postponed," Bash rudely interrupted.

"We?" She replied in a tone that hinted them that she was more than surprised.

"Yes, we," Adèle's face reddened. "Bash and I have, fortunately.. reconciled and are no longer troubled by the past conflicts which once stopped us from being able to communicate to each other. But that is not to speak of at the moment, Mary. Perhaps I will speak to you again in a more private time,"

Mary simply nodded. "That is understandable. It is fine, Adèle,"

Mary excused herself from the throne room. Adèle assumed that she was going to call on Francis to enter the throne room and notify him of her and Bash's sudden arrival. Then, Adèle's eyes darted to Bash, who had already been looking at her. His eyes seemed to glitter in the light as he threw a longing gaze at Adèle, and this made her flush with embarrassment.

 Her mother, who had already noticed this, gave Adèle a wink.

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