XXVI. Mary and Francis

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News of the end of their engagement first spread throughout French court quicker than Bash and Adèle had thought.

At first, court members did not believe the news, replying only in chuckles, and then proceeding to tell that Bash and Adèle are madly in love with each other, and the end of their engagement would seem rather an impossible idea. Then, after either Francis or Mary, who were often interrogated about the end of the engagement, confirmed the news to the bystanders. Mary has had enough time to think of Adèle's note and the news. She could not comprehend why she would give up an engagement so soon.

"Bash looked so entranced by her and so was she," explained Mary, one evening, to Francis in their bedchambers. "Why does she want to give it all up so soon?"

"Perhaps Bash found another woman to marry. An old widow, possibly?"

Mary's face grew stern. "This is no laughing matter, Francis. What and why did she give up Bash for? Was it one of his old flames? What could have possibly happened?" She continued to ask herself and Francis, seeming more distressed by the news than the whole of French court.

"An old flame? That's improbable. Once Bash has stopped loving or pursuing someone, he leaves them. His relationship with his past lovers remain non-existent,"

"Then why did they break their engagement?"

"If it pleases you, I also do not agree that their engagement shall be annulled. The Prouvaire family is the strongest in all of France, next to ours. They are more than advantageous to us, and to France. With the end of an engagement, perhaps they will stop supplying the country with grain, and other food supplies, and the famine will worsen.."

"Please, Francis, will you please stop thinking about France for once and think of the young woman who we have befriended for so long? There is a potential that she becomes an enemy of French court, and we have more than enough enemies here in court."

"What do you suppose I do? I am unable to ask Bash, for if I did, he would sulk and ignore all of my prying questions. If I were to ask Adèle, it would seem highly inappropriate, and she would be more distressed,"

"We can't ask them ourselves," replied Mary as she worked up a plan in her head. "We have to have a reliable source that will provide us with information. Who do you think is close to Adèle in court?"

"One of the servants she brought along with her, possibly?"

Mary nodded, "Yes, that could work. Maybe one of the maids she brought to take care of her little brothers,"

"Why are you so interested in finding out what or who tore their engagement apart? It is their private matter, and I think that they should deal with it themselves, Mary."

"Adèle Prouvaire is our friend, Francis. She's unlike any other young woman I have ever met before, but it does not mean I devalue other women. It's just.. there is this spirit that she possesses. An adventurous spirit, like my father,"

And so Francis began to understand why Adèle cared for their friend so much. "I see," he replied. "Very well then. We shall request for one of the maids' appearance in the chambers or throne room, and then we will begin asking the questions. Until then, we shall leave them to their own thoughts,"

"Very well." Mary replied softly, as Francis kissed her forehead, and left for his duties.

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