1-the truth

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Isabella's POV
Hi I'm Isabella O'Connor, I'm 13. I have a okay family. I'm like an other 13 year old. Go to school, get straight A's, have lots of friends. Hey! What could more a girl want?

It's Saturday today. I heard my sister is coming to town. Witch is very odd because she never comes to town. Only if is a special occasion.

Now I'm watching The Walking Dead with my best friend, Faith. We both love this show. Faith has a crush on Rick/ Andrew Lincoln. They're both way older then us so it's just a dream that we'll be with them.

We heard the front door knocked.
"Your sister probably here." Faith said.
"I know, but it's getting good!" I grinned.
"Bella we watch this a thousand time! We both know what's gonna happen." Faith said.
Oh forgot to say, lots of people call me Bella because that sounds like me. Isabella sounds like a snobby rich kid.
"But-" I said but Faith cut me off.
"Nope! No buts. Now let's go see your sister. You haven't seen her since...how long?"
I shrugged. She rolled her eyes. I looked back at the tv and my favorite part one. I can't miss it!
"Faith! Rick on!"
"Ok 5 more minutes."
I smirked then watch tv again.

Beth POV/ Isabella sister

I walked in my family home. I have some bad news for them. It's bout Isabella. I took a deep breath and called for my mom and dad. They came in the kitchen and cheered because I came home.
"Beth! I'm glad your home, how's New York?" My dad ask.
"Busy as always dad. But...I got some news." I sigh.
"Good? Bad?" My mom ask.
"It's about Isabella. He found out." I said.
"What?!? How!?" My dad ask.
"Dad! I couldn't lie! It slip out."
"Mark, calm down. We knew this day was coming. But why so soon?" My mom say.
"You knew?! She my little girl! They gave her up!" My dad yelled.
"Shhhh! She'll hear you!" My mom whispered yelled.
"Guys! He didn't know she was pregnant." I said.
They bother looked at me in shocked.
"What?" They both said.
"Yeah, he didn't know. I told him and he couldn't believe it. In tell he called her." I sigh.
"He doesn't want her back right?" Dad say.
I look at them won't sadness in my eyes. They know what I'm thinking. Because my mom falls to the floor crying. My dad cries a little too but he's trying to stay strong. I few tears slip down my face, I wipe them off quick.
"No...she ours. Not his." my dad growled.
"Dad...he wants her back. He even said if he knew, he would have never let her gave Isabella away. He said he's sorry."
"We have to talk this though. Me, Mark, Isabella's real father and the mother." Mom said.
"The mom of Isabella is still not ready to be a mother. So it'll be just him."
"Oh okay. When should we tell her?" Mom ask.
"At dinner." Dad say.
We nod. I helped my mom with dinner. I feel really nervous about it but I have to...I never told my mom and dad the father of Isabella name because they'll never believe me. Well they might. Isabella should know him. Norman Reedus. But it's gonna be very odd when I tell her that's her dad because she has a crush on him. Eww right? Right.

Isabella's POV

Faith went home a few hours ago. We're sitting at the table. Eating. It's my favorite. Pizza. Hmm.

Everyone really quiet. Witch is odd. They also look sad. Beth keeps texting someone. My dad and mom are just eating looking down. Beth nod at them. They put the food down and looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"Isabella, we have to tell you something." Beth said.
Ugh I kinda don't like to be calling that. Like I said it sounds like a snobby rich kid. Only in school, or other places like that.
"It's Bella. Isabella sounds like a snobby rich kid name. What do you need to tell me?"
My mom looked like she wanted to cry. My dad sighed then said.
"We're not your real parents." Dad said to me.
I wanted to cry. Who are my real parents? Why did they lest me? Why are they telling me this after 13 years?!??
"We're sorry Bella." Mom told me.
"Who are my real parents?" I ask.
"Well there's one parent. It's only your dad." Beth say.
"Where's my mom?"
"She not ready to be a mother still." My mom said.
"Who's my dad then?"
Beth sigh.
"Norman Reedus."
I laughed. Okay this a total lie.
"Liers." I laughed.
They looked at each other like I'm crazy. Then I stop laughing. Their lying right?
"Your lying right?" I ask them.
"No." Beth said.
I realize that I had a crush on my dad for the whole time. Ewww!!!
"I had a crush on my dad?! Ewww!" I said.
They laughed.
"Yeah it is." Beth smiled.
We sat in silence. In tell I broke it.
"So...what now?" I ask.
"Well...I was thinking your dad does live in New York and I do too. So maybe you could live with me. Then when you get to know your dad better you could live with him." Beth said.
But what about my little brother? Jacob will need me.
"Dad, mom, Jacob will need me. I can't leave." I agued.
"He'll be fine. You could call, vist, anything. But your dad wants you back." Mom say.
He wants me back? Why did he leave me then? He doesn't want me.
"He doesn't want me back." I mumbled.
"He does, he didn't even know your mother was pregnant. He said, if he knew he would have never let us take you. Or your mother to give us you." Beth say.
I didn't say anything, I didn't want to leave. This is my home. New York? It's not. It's just where my sister lives, well she not really my sister and where my dad lives.
"I...I can't leave. This is my home. Your my mom and dad! Not him!" I yelled.
"Bella calm down." Dad said.
"Where is Jacob? He was here a few hours ago." I growled.
"I sent him to Sarah's." Mom say.
I nod.
"When will we meet him?" Dad ask Beth.
"Well...I was just hoping she could just come with me tomorrow."
"No! That's not happening." Dad snorted.
"I'll text him later to see what's going on." Beth said.
I didn't feel like talking about it anymore. I just want to talk to Faith. She'll know what to do.
"I don't want to talk about it anymore. Can Faith come over?"
"Yeah." Dad said.
I nod then ran to my room. I grab my iPhone 5 colored witch is green. Then texted Faith.
Me: hey Faith, please come over? I really need to tell you something
Faith: let me ask my dad
Me: k

I waited about 5 minutes then she texted back. I grab my phone.
Faith: he said yeah so I'll be there in 10
Me: okay hurry!!!!!!!!!

I really do need to talk to her. She'll make me fell better. I don't want to leave tomorrow with beth, I don't want to leave at all.

Beth POV

I'm calling Norman, I feel kinda nervous. After the 2 ring he picks up.
"Hey Beth! So is my daughter coming home?"
"Well my parents made a big deal about it but then I told them. We told Bella but-" I said but he cut me off.
"Wait? I thought her name is Isabella?"
"She doesn't like to be called that. She thinks of it as a snobby rich kid name. She only let's people call her that in school and stuff like that."
"Oh okay. But what? What happen?"
"Bella made a hug deal about it. She doesn't want to come. But do you know what's funny?"
"Bella had a crush on you but when we told her your her dad? She was like 'I had a crush on my dad?! Eww!"
He laughed.
"Yeah but the bad news is that she doesn't want to come, my dad wants to meet you before she goes." I said.
"Oh...so Bella is coming with me if I do come?"
"But she living with me in tell she gets to know you better."
"What?! That's not fair Beth! Wouldn't it be better if she just lived with me? It'd be more time to get to know each other."
"That's the only way I got her to come with me."
"Damn.....yeah I'll come tomorrow, if it's getting my daughter back."
"It will. I'll talk to her more about it."
He sighs.
"Okay I'll see you tomorrow."
"K bye Norman."
"Bye Beth."
Then i hung up. Please Bella come with us.

Isabella POV

Faith came over. Now we're sitting on my bed. I told her what happen. She was socked.
"No way!!!" Faith said.
"It's true." I sigh.
"You had a crush on your dad!!! Eww Bella!" She laughed.
I laughed too.
"I know right." I laughed.
"But New York? That's to far...I can't live without you." Faith sighs.
"I know but we could call, text, video chat, my dad said I could vist!"
"Witch dad? Mark or Norman?"
"That's good! Like spring break, Christmas break? Summer?" Faith ask.
"Yeah. Promise."
Before Faith could say anything my door knocked. We both said come in. We both laughed. Then Beth came in. Grrr.
"Hey guys, Bella I talked to your dad. He's coming to tomorrow." Beth said.
I nod.
"Beth? Are you dating Norman Reedus?" Faith ask.
She laughed.
"No way! I'm not. We're just really good friends. That's it." Beth smiled.
Faith sigh.
"I don't want Bella to go. She my best friend. I can't lose her." Faith says.
"Wow Faith! I'm i your boyfriend now?" I laugh.
They both laughed.
"Maybe..." Faith giggles.
I roll my eyes.
"Sorry Faith but her dad really wants her home. Did you tell her you could vist?" Beth ask.
"Yeah I did."
"Good, I told him that your gonna live with me. He freaked. But he's just happy he's gonna see you."
"Great!" I said in a fake happy tone.
"Isabella!" Beth yelled.
Then I snaped.
"I don't even want to go to New York! I don't want to Leave my friends, family. This is my home!" I yelled at her.
She put her head down.
"Just go! I don't want to talk about this anymore." I told her.
She just nod then left. I sigh. I laid on my bed, Faith laid next to me.
"Walking dead time?" Faith ask.
"Yeah but don't say 'there's Daryl!!' Or 'OMG!! Rick so hot!'" I told her.
She laughed.
"I won't say 'there's Daryl!!' But I'll try not to say 'OMG Rick so hot!!'"
I rolled my eyes.
"Fine..." i said.
"Yay!!!!!" Faith squealed.
We started watching it. I'm still a little shocked about Norman Reedus being my dad. But...I'll find out the whole story tomorrow.
"Oh and can I stay to meet your dad?" Faith ask.
She smiles. I smile back. It's gonna be a long day tomorrrow.

No one loves me and no one ever will.                 (Norman Reedus daughter)Where stories live. Discover now