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Percy's POV

Just as I was coming out of the water, I heard Nico DiAngelo yelling for me to "hurry my butt up to the big house or you will get us both in trouble!".

I groaned, but followed him to the big house, not wanting to miss anything if it was important

We rushed in and saw Chiron sitting in his wheel chair, the same way he would if he was going to play pinochle with Mr.D.

Chiron looked at us and said," oh you're here, now we just have to wait until they get here."

We looked at him, confused.

"Who are we waiting for?" I asked.

Chiron looked at me and said" the rest of the children of the big three. I have a quest for you."

~~~~~~~half hour later~~~~~~~~~

Thalia Grace, and Jason Grace rushed into the room, breathing heavily. Jason looked at Chiron and said,"we're here, sorry it took so long. What did you need us for?"

Chiron simply waited until they caught their breath and said." I need the four of you to go on a quest, should you choose to accept it, but the catch is: i'm not going to tell you what the quest is until you decide if you're going or not."

I rolled my eyes and said "Chiron, you know that I'm in no matter what."

He smirked at me," good to know, Percy. So does that mean that I have one person for this quest?"

The three of them looked mortified( the four of us were always in contests and competitions for anything and everything. Heck, we compete to see who can heal the quickest from a burn wound (without magical help, of course)). They quickly stated that theyWERE in fact going and nothing could stop them.

"Good." Chiron said, smiling. "So the quest is simple: I am sending you to London to explore and analyze a species of magical beings that know not of our existence, and it will be very dangerous. They must not know of demigods or gods, or anything of the sort. Do I make myself clear?"

We all nodded.

Jason spoke up." What magical beings exactly?"

Chiron looked at us and said." Simple ...wizards."




I spoke up. " i'm good with it... So are we protecting or just learning. Do we need to watch out for anything?"

Chiron looked at all of us and made sure to look everyone in the eye." You will NOT tell anyone of our world. You will STUDY the species. You will attempt to BLEND IN! Understood?"

"Yup, sure thing!" We all said in unison. I turned to Jason. So are you flying us on your magical wind magic, or am I taking everyone, or-" i was cut off by Chiron.

"You will take a boat." I cheered as Jason groaned loudly.

"I hate to burst your bubble, children but you leave in an hour."

"WHAT!?!?!?" We all screamed then proceeded to run to our cabins to pack.

Percy Jackson/Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now