Pokeathlon Human: Event 3 result. Start of Event 4.

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Shiela: Team Nameshipping managed to break 80 blocks! This gives them 40 points.

Cilan: Team Ikarishipping managed to break 68 blocks! This gives them 34 points.

Brock: Team Pokeshipping managed to break 84 blocks! This gives them 42 points.

Shiela: Team Geekchicshipping managed to break 66 blocks! This gives them 33 points.

Cilan: Team Hypershipping managed to break 54 blocks! This gives them 27 points.

Brock: Team Naddy managed to break an amazing 120 blocks! This gives them 60 points!

Cilan: And now...let us look at the leaderboard!

Poke: 108 pts

Contest: 104 pts

Name: 103 pts

Ikari: 98 pts

Geekchic: 86 pts

Hyper: 71 pts

Leafgreen: 69 pts

Naddy: 60 pts

Shiela: Wow! It looks like Team Pokeshipping has regained the lead! Team Contestshipping is at second, and Team Nameshipping have gone up to third place!

Brock: Team Naddy posted an amazing 60 points in this one event! We are positive that they'll be able to rise up the leaderboard in now time!

Cilan: But that would be it for this event! We'll have another fun event tomorrow! For now, we want to thank Shiela for being our guest commentator for today.

Shiela: Thank you guys for having me! See ya!

Jace: Wait...I still need to return to Nurse Joy.




Nurse Joy: Hello, Gary.

Gary: Hi, Nurse Joy. Will I be able to compete in the next event?

Nurse Joy: Absolutely. I'm surprised you didn't get a concussion.

Gary: I'm surprised I never get a concussion.

Jace: *enters* Hello, Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy: Jace! I suppose you're here for your results, right? I'm glad to tell you that you're cleared to compete in any event.

Jace: For real? Thank you so much, Nurse Joy! Milani and I will win for sure.

Gary: Nameshipping!

Jace: Can you play, Gary?

Gary: Yup!

Jace: Good luck. You guys have some catching up to do, and the new team is kicking butt.

Gary: Good luck to you too.

Jace: *leaves*

Leaf: *enters* Hello?

Nurse Joy: Hello, Leaf. Are you here to visit Gary?

Leaf: *nods head*

Nurse Joy: I'll leave you two for a while *leaves*

Gary: So...you finally decided to visit, Leafy.

Leaf: Gary...I'm sorry about yesterday.

Gary: It's fine. They're not gonna mess with you anymore. I should be the one apologizing to you for being a clumsy Oak.

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