Part XX

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I've gotten secretly married and I need advice. Michael and I got married yesterday here at the hotel. It was very emotional. Our families don't know yet and we're not going to tell them until at least next month. First letting them know he proposed. Originally, we weren't going to tell them at all, but that would be mean.

Ashton P.O.V.
3 Aprils ago, I married my girlfriend. She wore a white h&m dress and I stole my dads suit. It was a secret 10-minute ceremony. We were accompanied by two school friends and a couple who refused to leave. Afterwards we ate Chinese and we had splitt the bill. We were a month from graduation. I married at a young age and am ashamed of it. I am Australian she is Canadian. A love story for the sake of visa. We're not really married.

Emma P.O.V.
We've landed after an 6 hour flight at LAX. We made our way unseen through the airport to the hotel. Thank god we avoided the drama this time. We got calls so we knew that Michaels ex made a song called You Suck. Calum had the song on repeat the entire time. Michael laughed things away and only said "I haven't heard from her in a year." Bitch please, search your attention somewhere else. Bad way to start your career, only my opinion.

"What are you guys up too?" Luke asks Calum and Ashton. "Oh look there's McDonalds! Who wants some?" I said. "Let's play a game. Who's in?" Ashton suggested. "Let's do 2 truths and a lie!" Calum suggested. "Wait what" "Come on Misty it's going to be fun!" Luke said.

"I can't stay awake past 10 PM. I have never seen the Titanic. I like neck tickles." Luke started the game. "That's easy man." Michael said. "Okay the girls than, tell me what's the lie?" "You better know Titanic by heart!" Misty said. "You can stay awake after 10 PM so I'll go with that one!" Ashton got up and neck tickled Luke so hard. After the guys were done rolling around we continued. "I like baby blue. I like my women wild. I love dogs." "HAHA CAL NO MAN YOU LIKE SILENT INTELLIGENT TALENTED WOMEN! I BLEW UP YOUR LIE" With a lot of beer and passion Ashton totally goes for it. "Okay my turn. I like Calum. I like Luke. I love Ashton." Misty said. "Hmm okay. You might like all of us but only love one. So dislike me or Cal? I guess." Altough Luke tries his best to safe the mood. It's impossible to do so. "Who wants some pizza?" Michael asked. Ashton glowered at Misty. "What are you talking about? You think this is funny? I know you want me to feel miserable. What the hell are you doing here anyway?" Ashton slammed the doors and disapeared.

Michael P.O.V.

Emma P.O.V.
"Adam! I'm so happy that you came!" "Of course sis! Hey what's that?" "This Adam is an invite." "To your wedding?" He asked. "That's right" "What?! CONGRATS Little sister!" Adam gave me a long cheerful hug. "So where's the leading man?" "In the city with Ashton. Come in the room, Calum Luke and Misty are in here."

'I would like to learn how to play the drums.'

I read Misty's tweet that she sended to Ashton. Her face tells me "I screwed up again. Stuipid me with my big mouth."  "Why can't he just reply he wants to teach me? So he can move my hand around to hit all the parts of the drum. He can whisper his thoughts in my ear. My feet rubbing against his feet, making electricity. Pulling me over his knee asking me if I'm sure when I feel his bulb in his pants." A small moan came out of Misty's mouth. Adam dropped his glas of water. Calum got very hot and Luke has been staring with his mouth open. And yes even me just stared, taking her words in. "You're so hot Misty" "Shut Up Adam." I said.  "Why is he laughing?" Misty said to me directing to Calum. "I don't know Misty." "You hurt the guy. That's all I'm saying." Calum said.

Michael P.O.V.
"I think her voice is morphine to me. We had an connection, a real one. Have I told you about the night we were spooning? Yep that happened. Fully clothed." "Man, that's bad. 100 times worse than spooning naked. So you care huh?" "I guess so. I have never been in love before. Not sure how it feels like. You know my marriage has always stayed in my high school past. It's something you don't take with you. The papers are like your diploma. You only have it when you talk about it or show it." You wanna get rid of it for good?" "A divorce? Are you crazy?! No Michael I don't want the story to home out. What would the fans think? They will hate me! HI I am Ashton Irwin from 5 Seconds of Summer. I can't date or marry someone I love because I married a girl I have never touched. She needed papers." "Ashton come on man there has to be something about her you aren't telling me." "She's kinda hot. I wish I could put my walls back up to save my dignity, but I'm not strong." "You married her because your big heart won." He lives in an broken scene but he isn't a loser. He's so sensitive. I honesty have no idea what's going on in his head. With Ashton is every day a real mystery. You never know what you're going to get. A small glittering tear fell from his eye. "I've had enough of this Misty shit. Come with me Sir!" I ordered.

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