"We gotta tell y'all something" Kee said low.

I just stood there quiet like it wasn't my problem or business about to be told.

"Come in" Debbie moved to the side and I followed Kee to the living room.

Of course Marcus followed us, "Marcus go do something with your life" Debbie said.

"This my life" he tried to sit down but Debbie pushed him away.

"Bye Marcus" he looked at all of us then walked away.

"So wassup babies" Debbie said sitting back.

"Okaee so she's pregnant and Yaya broke up with her. She's a month and she scared, worst part is that Yaya don't know about the baby." Kee said laying everything on the table.

I just had my head down ready for an 'I told you so' or 'We tried to help you'. But I didn't hear that.

It was silent until Debbie spoke, "Uhm are yall hungry??" She asked getting up.

I nodded my head and got up following them into the kitchen and the smell of cornbread put an instant smile on my face. I love cornbread especially when it's still warm and buttery like that be soooo good oh my gosh my mouth is watering right now.

I watched as Debbie took the cornbread and the meat loaf not paying attention to their conversation. I really got excited when I saw her take the lip off the sweet potatoes.

"Yeeesss" I said to myself but out loud.

"Forreal Tee you cheated on him??" Kee asked in disbelief.

"Whoa whoa whoa!! Huh??" I asked lost as hvll.

"I just said that I hope you didn't cheat and you talking about yess" Kee said looking at me.

"No I never cheated on him. I'm not a hoe Kee" I said looking at her.

"Hope not" she said back.

"Kee be nice she already going through it"

"Okaee" I just looked at her with hurt in my eyes.

"Teyana don't mind her she just being mean tonight and imma handle her later okaee??" Debbie said apologizing for her.

That's shyt hurt to hear that your twin thinks your a hoe. "Okaee, can I get a plate?"

"Who you handling?? Cause it ain't me." Kee said sucking her teeth.

Debbie just gave her a look and Kee just rolled her eyes and turned the other way. "Sure boo would you like a plate of everything??"

"Yes please" I don't know what's going on with Kee but she has a real bad attitude. I noticed that it changed when she received a message. I wanna know who made her so mad.

But Debbie is so nice. She really a sweet person that loves and would do anything for her family. I was knocked out of my thoughts when Debbie put a big plate in front of me.

I wasn't even offended because I eat a lot and she knows that. "Thank you" I said my grace and dug in.

While I was eating Kee's phone started ringing so she got up and walked out. "So how far are you really??" Debbie asked.

How the hell she know I was lying and I'm not a month?? "A-a m-month" I stuttered.

"Kee not here so forreal how far are you??"

"4 months going on 5" I mumbled.

"That's dangerous Teyana you shouldn't do that!" She semi shouted.

All I Want is LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang