Chapter 3: Grell and William

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I was sitting in a corner, staring out at the small group of people in front of me.

They were consistently drinking, smoking marijuana, snorting cocaine, doing different types of hard drugs I've never heard of.

And one of the men happened to be my dad.

I had just turned ten, yet I'm already used to this type of thing, although this was worse. Usually, the only thing that would happen is just drinking, but I guess they decided to try something new.

"You should probably get your daughter home, Gilley." the most sober man out of the group suggested. "Aw, she'll be fine." He says, taking a sip from his beer. "She's only a little girl, man, why didn't you just leave her at home with your mom? At least take her home and then come back." another man says. "She isn't complaining, now is she? Now pass me some of that heroin over there." he slurs.

I stare at them, shaking, trying to control my tears. I push up my glasses, and move a piece of short hair from my face. After a while, I get up and go sit on the porch.

I don't wanna be here, at all. Maybe I should go tell dad I wanna go home? Maybe he'll listen. I stand up, and walk back inside.

"I wanna go home now." I tell my dad. "We'll go home later. I'm busy." he says, while snorting up the powdery stuff I've come to learn is cocaine. "No. I wanna go now. I don't wanna be around this! I wanna go home, please!" I say a little louder. "Go back outside." he slurs. "You know you're a bad father! If you were a good dad and actually cared for me, you'd take me back home! You wouldn't even bring me here in the first place, or even do these things! And I ain't going back outside until we leave!" I fight back. "Shut up! You sound just like your mama, a little smartass bitch!" He yells.

I try harder to hold back my tears, and I kick his leg hard out of anger. He yells out, and gets up to chase me. I run out the door, and into the woods. I cross the railroad tracks, and run up the hill, and finally I run inside of my grandma's house. At the sight of me, my grandma puts down her word search, and runs over to me. "Are you okay? Where's your daddy?" She asks. I start crying, and point towards the door, where he's stumbling up the steps.

"Go hide, I'll take care of this." She says. I nod, and grab the cordless phone, and lock myself in the bathroom. I sit in the corner behind the door, and dial 911.

"911 what is your emergency?" The lady answers. I explain what happened, and she lets me know that help is on the way. I then call my mom, telling her the same thing. I start crying a bit harder when I start hearing yelling, and the scary things my dad was saying.

As soon as both the police and my mom arrived, the police took my dad away, and my mom said something that changed my life forever.

"I'm sending you to England."

*dream over*

I wake up, screaming and crying at the memory. God, I'm so glad that Savannah wasn't there, she wouldn't have been able to handle it.

Sebastian runs into my room, and immediate worry and panic rushes to his face. He runs over to my bed, and starts hugging me. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asks. "N-nightmare. Bad m-memory." I cry. Both Savannah and Alaina runs into the room, and as soon as they see me, they seem to know what happened. They're used to my nightmares. Sadness on their faces. "I got it, you can go back to bed." Sebastian says quietly, while stroking my hair.

Soon after, Claude comes in. "I'll handle this. You have no knowledge of what's going on here." Claude says, walking over to the bed. Sebastian reluctantly gets up. "Do you need anything?" Claude asks, placing a hand on my forehead. I jerk my head away, "S-Sebastian." I croak. Claude gets the same angry expression on his face, and walks off. Sebastian comes back over, and sits on the bed, and puts an arm around me.

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