Chapter 2: Sebastian the $cene Queen (or king whatever)

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I wake up in an unfamiliar place. I sit straight up, and begin to panic. Where am I?! Is this Claude's stomach or something? Did he eat my soul already? If he did, damn, his former masters are living in luxury inside of him.

I hear a knock on the door, and Sebastian walks in. "Sweet Jesus, I didn't know where I was." I chuckle. At the sight of seeing him, I remember I'm at the Phantomhive Estate. "Where'd you think you were?" He asks. "Oh, I had this wild idea Claude ate me and this is what his stomach looked like." I say. It sounded more normal and more rated G than R in my head. He laughs at my response, "Okay, well, speaking of the devil, Claude is here for you and Madame Alaina." "GOD HES A FREAKING STALKER CAN'T I GET A BREAK?" I complain, throwing my hands up in the air. He laughs even harder. "I'm sorry, but I mean you probably should be getting home. Your dress is wrinkled and your makeup is a mess, although you still manage to pull it off." he smiles. "Mhm, yeah, sure." I reply back with a small smirk.

Alaina staggers into the room, still very much asleep. She basically falls into Sebastian, and deeply inhales his scent. Sebastian gets a shocked, scared look on his face, and I bust out in laughter. "Mm, Claude, you smell different, like chocolate, instead of sulfur mixed with Axe cologne." Alaina mumbles. "Umm, Alaina... that's Sebastian..." I say, now trying to stifle my laughs. Sebastian inches away from her, and he smooths out his uniform. "I'll escort you downstairs." Sebastian says to me. I nod, and grab my heels. I trail beside him, and Alaina behind. "You might ought to get her checked." Sebastian whispers. "She's always like this." I reply.

"Good morning, your highness. I take it you enjoyed yourself." Claude says hastily, from the front door. "Claude, I'm not in the mood for your shit." I groan, rubbing my temples. Sebastian sends an intentionally unnoticed glare to Claude.

"We really do have to go, your highness. Your sister, Miss Savannah is back home." Claude says. "Oh, okay, then. Bye, Sebastian, hopefully I'll see you sometime soon." I say, and surprisingly, hug him. He stiffens a bit at first, but then holds me in a tight grip. "Oh, I really do hope to see you again. I'm glad I met you yesterday." he says, and I can tell he has a smile on his face.

I finally pull away, and turn around. Alaina wobbles towards Claude, reaching her hands out. "Carry me." she slurs. He hesitantly picks her up, and takes her to the car. I turn back towards Sebastian, and lean on the doorway. "Bye." I smile. "Goodbye, my lady." he smiles. "Oh! Um, I might be hosting a party sometime this week for my sister's return home. I might have it tonight, I'm not sure. But um, you and Ciel can come. I'll find some way to let you know. And dress casually if you have anything else other than your uniform, and if Ciel will let you." I say. "I promise I'll be there. And I'll find something." he smiles.


"Hey, Claude? Come here for a second!" I call from my room. He immediately shows up at my door, "Yes, your highness?" He asks. "What's the Phantomhive manor's phone number? I invited Sebastian to the party, told him I'd let him know when it was. Oh, and Ciel is coming too I guess." I ask. His face hardens at the mention of Sebastian, but he reluctantly gives me the phone number.

I pick up my phone, and dial the number.

"Phantomhive residence, this is the manor's butler Sebastian Michaelis, how may I help you?" Sebastian answers, sounding all professional. "Hey, it's Mallory. Just wanted to let you know the party is tonight. I'm pretty sure you already know where I live." I say. "Okay, and your house used to be the Trancy Manor, correct?" He asks. "Yeah." I reply. "Okay, I'll go let my young master know. I'll see you then." he says. "Mkay, bye." I say, and hang the phone up.

"Who were you talking to, Mal?" Savannah asks, walking into my room. I was older than her by two months, being my birthday was June 17th, and hers August 16th.

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