Vanilla : Chapter 98

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"Okay Izzy, these questions are going to be simple. I'm not gonna make you cry like some rude, ignorant, careless, cold hea-"

"Mrs. Chelsea..."

"Sorry your honor, anyway, is that okay izzy?"

She took in a deep breath and wiped her cheeks to make sure the tear stains were gone


"great. I guess we can start by asking what happened the day Aubrey took you?"

"well.. he beat up George, but George deserved it so i don't think he should go to jail."

"i don't think he should either. Can you tell us why he beat up George?"

"because George hurt me really bad."

"can you tell us why he hurt you?"

She swallowed down as her fingers began to fidget in her lap, her legs hadn't stopped shaking since the whole ordeal with Adam

"Cause i was eating the lollipop that the nice doctor gave me. It was the baby doctor, for Baby Mason. She gave it to me and i was eating it, he came in my room and got really mad. He punched me in the face then, but i was used to that. It didn't hurt as much as what he did after that, then he grabbed my hair and pulled me, then banged my head into the dresser. Thats why my eye was bruised really bad."

She turned to the Jury and sighed out

"you heard it yourselves, she said it didn't hurt when he punched her because she was used to not one for not disciplining your kids, if they misbehave yes a time out. and if that doesn't work maybe a swat on the bum. But punching a nine year old in the face...over a piece of candy."

The people of the jury all shook there heads simultaneously in disbelief. It was ridiculous for a child to say that, for anybody to say that.

"Now, ive got some questions about when you broke your arm. This ones probably my favorite because it just amuses me on how much time you spent convincing her this was the truth George."

She rolled her eyes at him before turning to Izzy

"Okay sweetheart, go ahead and tell the jury what happened. How did you break your arm?"

She cleared her throat and swallowed

"well, i was playing with Connor and i guess George didn't like that we were playing and he grabbed my hair. He told me to get my....i cant say it."

"its okay, you can say it."

"He told me to get my ass in the living room, so i hurried cause he doesn't like when i take to long. But then he got mad because he thought i was running from him. He said when little girls run from there parents they get in trouble with the police men, then he turned me around and slammed me into the wall. He said this is how police men treat little girls when they arrest them for being bad and running from there parents, then he grabbed my arm and twisted it around my back until there was a pop. Then i started crying because it hurt really bad and he told me to go to my room."

"Did you go to the hospital?"

"no, he waited a few days. Then he said that it was an injury i got during cheer leading, im not a cheerleader but i think it would be fun to be one."

Kristen turned to look at all the police officers lined against the back wall of the court house as they gave a look at Izzy that had shock and devastation written in there faces.

"Officers, can you please tell that how you arrest little girls who run from there you even arrest little girls who run from there parents?"

Izzy watched as they all shook there head no, they had heart break in there eyes. It was sad that this little girl had been brainwashed.

" further can step down now.."

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