Vanilla : Chapter 66

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"baaaabbyyyy, whats wrong?"

"nothing is wrong. For the sixteen hundredth time."

Aubrey shuffled up and wrap his arms around sunnys waist as she stare at herself in the full length mirror, she wasn't staring at anything in particular, just trying to make it seem like she wasn't deep in thought. But Aubrey being the man he was he knew something was up, it wasn't normal for Sunny to not be clinging on to him and kissing on him, hugging him and flirting. Ever since her trip to heaven she had been acting different, of course she didn't tell Aubrey that she went to heaven and met there 27 year old son, that would make her seem as if she was insane and the last thing she needed was her fiance to think she was crazy. She cringed lightly at the feel of his hand resting gently on her belly, of course she didn't know that there was possibly a child in there and she wasn't planning on telling him until she knew for sure. In less then thirty minutes she would be out on stage with Jimmy Fallon having the time of her life, he was a fun upbeat guy who knew how to have a good time, and that's what she needed. A fun upbeat guy who knew how to have a good time.

"bullshit, tell me whats wrong."

"nothing, seriously. I'm fine." Lie

He pursed his lips together and narrowed his eyes, giving her the "i don't believe that for two seconds" type of look

"im serious, im just tired. My body hurts a little but im mostly tired, you wore me out last night." Not completely a lie, but that's not why im acting the way im acting.

She turned in his arms and wrap her arms around his neck while his hands now rest gently on her hips. He smile confidently at the amount of work he put in last night, he would never dream of hurting Sunny unless it was a good hurt, in this case and every other case to come, sexual pleasure pain. She could feel his hands rub her sides up and down a bit causing her to giggle and blush like a school girl, his touch was light and warm and it was something she needed, instinctively she hugged him while thinking about how much a hug would be nice. It was a little weird due to how she hugged him, it wasn't a typical "i love you and your my fiance so let me hug you" it was more like a "im desperate and i need love and attention" type of hug, She wrapped her arms around his torso and squeeze tighter then intended as she rest her head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. Of course he hugged back but he was a little confused as to why she was acting like she hadn't seen him in twenty years, hugging on to him for dear life

"okay, yeah there's something wrong."

"i cant hug my man?"

"not like that, your acting like if you let go im gonna die."

She released her hug after he said that, he made it sound as if she was hugging so tight that he couldn't breathe which she kinda doubted herself when she said her hug wasn't even that tight. The crowd was large, of course there wasn't a huge concert crowd but it was more then she expected, the studio was packed full and people were crowded out in the lobby watching from the televisions out there. She smiled to herself as she thought about all the people eagerly buying tickets just to see her

"So, i have a friend. I know him by Drake as you all do, am i correct?"

The crowd cheered out

"Well, he has a fiance who goes by the name of sunny and she happens to be here tonight. So i want you all to put your hands together and give a warm welcome to Sunny or better known as Mrs. Drake Graham."

The crowd screamed out as she walked out, she was dressed beautifully in a very chic hip dress. The dress it self was a nice navy blue but purple, green and royal blue treading hang loosely, her foot wear consisted of a pair of purple heeled boots as her hair flow with natural wavy curls. She smile big and wave out as she could hear the people out in the lobby area screaming as well as the group of people standing on there feet applauding as she walked past the lavender curtains. She climbed on the stage and gave jimmy a friendly hug before seating in one out of the two comfy chairs, she cross a leg over the other and smile big as the crowd settle down and regain there seats



She smile big once again, flashing her cute dimples to the crowd.

"how are you?"

"im doing great actually, how are you?"

"im good, im good. And i would love to sit here and chat about nothing in particular but i have to say this."

"go right ahead."

"Now, by now you all should know that Sunny is the cover of this coming up months edition of Rolling Stones. If you didn't you do."

The crowd laughed as they cheered out, even sunny had to clap at that. It was a big deal and she had no issues with flaunting and or bragging.

"well, i am actually friends with people from the corporate section of Rolling Stones, and they were all kind enough to give me copies so all of you will be going home with a copy of this months edition one day before it is released."

The crowd screamed out and cheered as if they just won a million bucks, sunny's eyes widened as he pulled up a magazine from under the desk he sat at. She knew she would be on the cover but it was shocking to actually see it, there she was on the front cover looking like a natural beauty. For the first time in what felt like forever she actually smiled a genuine smile.

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