Vanilla : Chapter 68

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She sit there breathing hard, nervous as hell. Her hands shook with such a tremor that if there was a crowd they would think she was seizing but there wasn't. It was just her, she was alone. They were finally home in Calabasas and the first thing he does is go out to the club with his friends, he asked if she wanted to go but she turned down the offer. She felt light headed and sick to her stomach, like she was going to pass out any second but as each second passed she realized it wasn't gonna happen. A part of her wanted to pass out, what would happen if she did?

She didn't want to die but she wished she was in heaven, as an angel not just a visitor. That way she could have as much amount of time with Rex that she wanted, as much time that she wanted with Mason. Wanted wasn't the right word choice, it was more like needed. She sit there shaking like a leaf in the wind waiting as the time seemed to slow, five minutes truly felt like five millenniums as you waited. She stood up from her position on the bathroom floor and began to walk, she was forced to sit back down though, she was shaking to much the poor girl could barely walk. She fidgeted some more, biting the inside of her cheek, twisting the ends of her hair. The shaking didn't stop until the time was up, her phone rang out in an alarm as her heart sped up. She silenced it before standing up and placing a hand to the front of her tummy, her steps were small shuffles as she dreaded the results. Three simple steps to the sink took much longer then they should have, her stomach dropped when she saw the results. Her heart pounded against her chest wall as her breathing turned from steady to more of a hyperventilation, she didn't know what to do, the world was spinning yet crashing down at the same time. She screamed out as tears finally began to fall from her eyes, the tears that had been wanting to fall out since her trip to heaven, the tears that needed to be let out but she felt like she had no reason to let them out

The items that rest on the sink counter peacefully were now scattered around the master bedroom, some things were broken some things were bent but she didn't care. She scream out and cry in pain as she look around for more things to throw, there was no use. There was nothing left to throw, it was all on the floor, broken, bent or to far away. Centimeters felt like miles, seconds felt like years, she felt like she was drowning as she gasp out for fresh air. The constant shaking had been replaced by the constant crying, tears stream down her face as she search for something. Anything for comfort, there was nothing and it took her a while to realize that nothing was here to comfort her, nothing was here to protect her and hold her. Nothing was here to call her its baby girl and kiss her forehead telling her everything would be okay. Nothing was here so what was the point, she ran from the bathroom and ran from the room, she ran through the house and out the front door, she ran off the property and down the street, she ran. She didn't know where she was running to but she ran, similar to how the tears ran down her cheeks not knowing which direction they ran, they just kept running.


Something was off, something was not right. Security had checked every inch and perimeter of the property, they checked everywhere but there was nobody to be found, not a single soul. Which is why something was off, the front door to the estate was left wide open, the gate was wide open and all the lights were on. It took Aubrey for him to get in the bedroom to realize what was off, nobody was home. Nobody was there even though security checked everywhere, nobody. Not even Sunny, Sunny who was supposed to be at home alone in peace, yet she wasn't. Panic set in as he saw how much damage was put into the bathroom, which was odd, everything in the house was intact, even his bedroom. Everything was perfect but the master bedroom bathroom that looked as if a tornado had struck through it. He didn't understand what had happened until he saw it, sitting there perfectly on the sink counter, it was the only perfect thing in the bathroom. Everything else was damaged and out of place but that. As much as the man that he was and as tough as he was even this made his heart strings feel yanked, he picked it up in his hands and held it there not even caring that urine had been on it, he held it in his hands as he stare down on it with dampened eyes.

He stare down at a positive pregnancy stick.

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