Vanilla : chapter 5

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if this girl don't shut the hell up, ugh. It was currently 10:34 am, and Sierra wouldn't shut up talking about what happened last night, clearly the two of them were drunk because they both had hangovers. But according to Sierra, drake and Sunny had shared the kiss of the century, to be honest sunny didn't believe her till OB posted a picture on twitter with the caption : goals af with the laughing emojis. A part of sunny wanted to kill him for that and another part of her wanted to kill drake for that. He knew he had desi and he knew she was under the influence, he manipulated her and that wasn't fair.

"look at all these comments, oh my lord. Sunny your twitter famous now by the way."

Sunny rolled over in her hotel room bed and gave Sierra a blank stare. Sierra looked down from her phone and smiled big at her making her eyes go chinky.

"why are you in my bed again?"

"i came to tell you about all of this... oh and Noah texted your phone and said to meet him at the studio at 12 today."

"why were you looking at my phone again?"

"....... don't worry about that shawty"

Sierra winked at her, sunny laughed but immediately stopped because her head was pounding. She put a hand to her forehead and swallowed while closing her eyes.

"whatcha thinking about girl?"

"im thinking about how i plan to murder drake today"

Sierra laughed at the comment but stopped once she realized she was serious.

"oh your serious...why?"

"he took advantage of me last night, it was obviously clear that i was drunk..and he is clearly taken to that girl who was clearly pissed at all the very clear threats that were being sent through twitter."

"that's alot of clear."


Sunny gave her a blank stare.


"this is no time for jokes, this isn't cool man"

Sierra looked down at her twitter feed which was blowing up like crazy, after OB posted it and tagged the two of them, drake retweeted and Favorited it which made Desi pissed at sunny. She tweeted things like: "but who is this 3 year old" "she aint shit" "aint nobody trippin off her ugly ass tf" "let her even look at him again, i swear". Sierra had saw them and instantly responded back with: "aren't you a stripper, your a professional hoe stfu, chill on bestie" which made her twitter blow up with hate comments from fans of Desi's and comments from people who were on sunny's side. Her followers had multiplied as well and Desi had backed off after that. Sunny rolled out of bed and groaned while walking to the bathroom with her hand on her forehead. She turned on the sink faucet and grabbed her toothbrush, applying toothpaste and began brushing her teeth.



"look at this"

Sunny walked out of the bathroom and went to sierra while still maneuvering the tooth brush in little circles on her teeth. She looked down at the phone and nearly choked at what drake had just tweeted: "@hoodbysunny @ovosierra chill on my champagne mami (@cocainedesi)." her stomach nearly dropped, was this man serious? He just went from retweeting the pic of them kissing, commenting heart eyes and favoriting it, to telling them to back off on desi...who was coming at them first. Sunny's breathing started to get a little hard and her brushing became more intense, you could practically see the smoke coming from her ears.

she was heated and you could tell from a mile away. She walked away and back into the bathroom slamming the door hard. She connected her phone to her beats pill via Bluetooth and went on to twitter to creat a new post: "don't come at me, im not the one who has a man that doesn't even want them."

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