Vanilla : Chapter 57

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"i cant believe im about to do this."

"so don't do it, come home with me. we can have sex and eat good snacks."

Sunny narrowed her eyes at him as he smirk, she returned her gaze back into the mirror and smile while running a hand over her smooth white, lace dress. This was by far the most nicest outfit she'd worn on stage, of course there were cut outs but it actually covered her the way outfits should cover. Her hair was laid flat with loose waves towards the ends in a middle part, she looked gorgeous and she was feeling really confident. It was Saturday night and she was about to do something she had never thought she would do, tomorrow was her down day because they would leave for England tomorrow night so today was the last day to go balls to the walls and have fun. She could hear the crowd screaming, but there screams only grew louder as she stepped out from backstage. The energy from the crowd was different because they weren't Aubrey's fans, they were SchoolBoy's fans. They were his fans so she felt like she didn't know them, of course she didn't know Aubrey's fans personally but she felt like she had a connection with them. They screamed out in shock as she walked on to the stage and stood by SchoolBoy, she waved out to the thousands of people and smiled sweetly before leaning down and touching the hands of a few front row people. She stood up and lifted her bedazzled mic to her mouth

"Toronto whats good?!"

They screamed out to the sound of her sweet voice as SchoolBoy walked over and hugged her, she hugged back and smiled as he began to talk in the microphone

"how would you guys feel if we did a little feature rapping right here?"

They screamed out and cheered, everyone on the freaking planet had seen videos of sunny rapping to SchoolBoy Q, they had seen videos of her rapping in general. Okay, so maybe not everybody but you get the point, in one night she had a wopping number of 500 thousand views. IN ONE NIGHT!! it was alot of people and the video still surfed the web, taking in more and more views. The intro to Hell Of A Night began to play, she smiled as the crowd went wild. This was the song that started it all, the song that started her "rapping career" per se, the song that Q saw and the song that made him want to feature with her. This was the song.

This was her song.


She gave Q another hug before strutting backstage where Aubrey waited for her patiently

"who knew you were such a rap goddess?"

She giggled and took off her heels before running to him, she jumped up and he caught her. She wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck before placing a kiss to his full pink lips. There was a clearing of the throat behind them, sunny turned her head to see cat


Aubrey mumbled under his breath but it was enough for sunny to hear, she giggled at his jealousy towards cat. She wiggled out of his grip and ran a hand down her dress

"hi cat.

She smiled up at him in all of his handsome glory, he smiled down at her and instead of kissing her knuckles simply wrapped her in a hug. She giggled out as she hug back, he smelled good but it wasn't Aubrey's cologne. Aubrey tapped his foot while he pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes, Cat smiled innocently at Aubrey. This guys has about three seconds before, Aubrey was taken from his thoughts by cat speaking to him, he pulled away from Sunny and smile kindly

"ive come here to invite you to lunch tomorrow, the both of you. I've rented us a boat, we can sit, talk, and i can show you the great pictures of sunny ive taken."

"im sorry but your just going to have to cancel the reser-"

Aubrey was cut off by sunny

"a boat? did you say a boat? like one you sail on?"

"yes, a boat. like the ones you sail on. Do you like boats?"


She smiled big with enthusiasm, as she looked at Cat with love in her eyes. If her face was an emoji it would definitely be heart eyes, she had a thing for boats. She turned on her heels and clasped her hands together while looking up at Aubrey, her heels made her taller but still not tall enough so she still had to strain to reach his face

"please baby, please can we go please?"

She tried her hardest to reach his cheeks but failed so she had to settle with his neck, she wrapped her arms around his torso and smashed there bodies together while leaving small kisses all over. She had a thing for boats.

"fine. but only cause your so damn cute."

She squealed out in happiness as she pulled away, he leaned his head down and placed a kiss to her lips while deliberately looking at Cat. Cat rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest

"very well, i'll have a driver come-"

"we have a ride, we'll meet at the docks."

With that he grabbed sunnys hand and walked past Cat, shrugging him lightly. The whole time on the way back to the dressing room sunny couldn't help but smile a mile wide grin. She had a thing for boats.

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