Vanilla : Chapter 54

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"Cat this place is gorgeous, if the outside looks this amazing i can only imagine the inside."

"thank you, i had to rent out the best studio only because you are the best dear."

Sunny smiled at his compliment, today was the day she would be shot at, with a camera of course. Today is the day she would model and the best photo would be used on the cover of Rolling Stones Magazine. Sierra nearly had a heart attack when sunny told her, the girls had dreamed of being on the cover of a magazine one day let alone Rolling Stones. Everyone knew it was the most reviewed and bought out magazine in the entire world and for sunny to be on the front cover it was a huge accomplishment. And the best part, her hateful mother got one in the mail every month, can you imagine the look on her face when she sees sunny on the front page.

"and might i say, you look keenly sharp today."

"why thank you, i try to look as professional as possible on the days where im doing business. i looked a bit ridiculous last night but i was at a concert so hey...cant judge me there."

Sunny gazed up at his perfectly styled hair, he was well groomed with not a speck of facial hair in sight. He was dressed in a dark grey suit with a black tie, his accessories consisted of a pair of aviators placed over his eyes which only made him look even more devilishly handsome. Sunny felt like a bum in her sweat suit standing next to him but it wouldn't matter because her outfit would change many many times. Aubrey called in her personal design team of hair and make up artists and of course the fashion designers to use since she trusted them, as they walk into the building her mouth gaped open a little. The building was gorgeous if not more then the outside of the building, it was mostly all glass and window, the furniture was up to date and very hip. It looked as if it came straight from a catalog

"hello Mr. Dennis."


He tightened up his tie a bit as he walked past her, Stacey was the receptionist obviously as she sat behind the front desk and twirled a strand of her hair. Sunny smirked as she nudged him in the ribs softly

"She likes you."

"She likes sex. Not me."

Sunny laughed out as they entered the elevator with him. Cat told Aubrey to stay behind and not worry about coming because he needed all of Sunny's attention, of course that didn't fly without turbulence, Aubrey wasn't one for leaving his woman alone with a man who was obviously attractive. But sunny convinced him because why would she do anything and why would he try even if he had the chance, that didn't work either so Aubrey was okay with it as long as tank and chubbs go with her, he had numerous security guards but the two he wanted to go with her were closest to him because they had history.


The team chant out as they step off of the elevator and into the large studio, it was all white in there even the furniture but no walls, every "wall" in the studio consisted of floor-to-ceiling windows. She smiled as she walked over and place a hand on the warm glass, her mouth still a little open in shock at to how gorgeous everything was. A clearing of the throat sounded from behind her, she turned and smile innocently

"its best if we get started soon, were just doing photos today by the way. The interview will be Thursday after your show because ill need photos for the magazine from the concert and video footage of the interview for our website."

"got it."

She rushed over to the team of everyone and stood in the middle as Greg stood on a stool and clapped three times, it was a process that sunny knew oh so well. She felt butterflies rush in her tummy as Greg asked for a drum roll

"color scheme for the day is..........american flag."

the group all cooed out in happiness to the funky design, american flag as in red, white and blue. Sunny didn't really know why everyone was so happy about those three colors because she didn't study fashion in college, she didn't go to college at all. But, she got excited because they were excited and it was fun to cheer when something exciting happened. Just like during a show they rushed her away ripping off her clothes like nothing, there was a shower stall in the bathroom that was possibly the biggest shower she had ever seen. She washed herself and when finished the team began the process of creating perfection. The whole time a huge smile was plastered to her face.

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