Vanilla : Chapter 78

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"where are we going? the appointment isn't for another hour and half, and where the hell are we?"

"shh, im trying to find the street name now hush. i know what im doing."

Sunny smile to herself as she turn down a road, happy that she found the street. Clear Water Estates was a nice little gated community, rich people lived there but not like the people that lived in hidden hills where the YOLO estate was located. She kept on driving down the street until she dead ended at a big white house, it was nice. It was large and looked like it had maybe five or 6ix bedrooms, the grass was cut nicely and the garden area was kept up to maintenance. Sunny could barely get out of the car before two little boys were running out of the house towards her, they both hugged her legs as if she was god himself coming to save them, she laugh and lean down to hug them

"im guessing you guys are Riley and Connor."

"yes, im Connor, that's Riley. By the way im the cool one."

Sunny laugh as the two boys let go, they were dressed nice in white button down shirts and khaki pants, they had on dress shoes and there curly hair was well groomed, they looked just like Izzy. The boys went around the car to hug Aubrey taking him off guard a little

"woah! hello."


Both of the boys said in unison before letting go and smiling up at him, he smiled down as he looked between the two boys

"where are you guys going, dressed up like handsome young men."

"no where, stupid Tina and George makes us dress like this."

Connor laughed at the fact that Riley called them stupid, the boys were smaller then Izzy was, they looked around 6 or 7 and definitely looked like twins. If not, there age must have been nearly the same


A female voice came from the walk on porch, Sunny smiled as she walk up to see Tina while Aubrey stay back and pick up a stray football to play with the boys. It was an image that would probably be imprinted into Sunnys mind forever because it was just so adorable to see him play with kids.

"Hi, im guessing your Tina."

"yes, and your sunny. Wow your beautiful."

Sunny look down at her outfit and smile. She wore a simple sun dress and sandals because she wanted to impress not one but three people. George, Tina and Dr. Bailey.

"aww thank you so much."

"im guessing you want to see Izzy."

"i would like to, yes."

"is that your boyfriend? Hes really good with Connor and Riley."

Sunny looked over her shoulder to see Aubrey running with the ball as he have Connor on his back laughing wildly as Riley stay in the end zone cheering Aubrey on to make the touch down. It was a sight that made her heart flutter, she smile to herself after looking away because she couldn't help but think about it

"My fiance."

"i see, hes very good with those boys. They are out of control with there energy. follow me."

She open the door as sunny walk in behind her, the house smelled of sugar cookies and was warm, but not a bad warm. A good loving warm, which is why she was confused as to why Izzy thought so badly of George and Tina. Other then the ridiculous outfits they seemed like great foster parents, but you can never judge a book by its cover.

"Have you ever thought about sports, they sure love football. And it releases a lot of energy."

"i really haven't, i don't have much time. Me and George are always working so the nanny watches them but its a good thought."

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