Vanilla : Chapter 96

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"you guys ready to go back in there? Its about to start."

"yep. Lets go."

Aubrey pocketed his phone and kissed sunny on the forehead. The voices went to a silence as the judge banged his gavel a few times

"Court is now back in session. Great lunch break, i had chicken salad."

"Really? me too."

The judge smiled at Adam who clearly lied because he was at the same McDonald's across the street that Sunny took the kids. kiss ass Aubrey thought as he mentally rolled his eyes, Kristen stood up and took in a deep breath

"The people call George Montgomery."

The tension was thick like peanut butter as George stood and shuffled to the stand, it was pretty clear that a war was wanting to start between there side and George and Tina's side of the family.

"How are you today, Mr. Montgomery?"

"im fine, in a lot of pain though."

"hm...the same kind of pain that you gave the kids..or a different kind of pain?"

The room filled with silence but was broken by Addison, sunnys mom, who couldn't help but laugh. She excused herself as she left the court room in hysteria, it was pretty funny but nobody had the balls to laugh because it was a sad situation. George took in a breath as Kristen grabbed her note pad and flipped to one of the many written on sheets

"Theirs so much stuff here, its a bit confusing as to why the hell were even in court, you should be locked up George, you know that?"

"No mam."

"well, you should. I guess we can start here cause this one is kind of the most shocking to me, we got a hold of your video recorder and all of your tapes, we also have photos of what the kids call the bad room... why don't you tell the jury about that."

He didn't speak, he just sat there silently

"nothing? hm, okay. Well just so the Jury can see i have some photos of the bad room."

She turned and handed a stack of Polaroid photos, the photos consisted of pictures of the bad room and one photo of how many video tapes there were, which for the record there were a couple hundred of them

"The bad room as you can see is very...scary per se. Weapons and toys usually used for sex were being used on these children. Whips, chains, choke collars, baton sticks. The photo of the video tapes you look at....those are all tapes that Mr. Montgomery has recorded himself as he beat these children, abusively, physically, mentally."

She watched as they look at the photos in horror, she turn to George and take in a breath

"you know, actually. I'm gonna have you step down Mr. Montgomery, no further questions. The people call Derrick Dior to the stands please."

George and Derrick swapped places as fast as possible, George couldn't wait to get off the stand and derrick couldn't wait to get on. He had watched numerous crime shows and he knew exactly what to do and what to say

"hello, Mr. Dior."


"I understand you graduated from of the class and you and your wife Addison are now world renowned surgeons, correct?"


"so obviously you know a lot about medically based things."

The people in the court laughed lightly at the obvious question

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