Vanilla : Chapter 82

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"were losing her. call a code."

She could see them all rushing towards her, she could see one of the nurses rush in with a cart. She could see but not hear. They were yelling, some yelling at each other while some yelling to her, she could see Aubrey freaking out with tears running down his face as he was being pushed out of the room by one of the doctors. He was yelling to her as well but she didn't know what he was saying.

The light, the light was bright when she saw it but her eyes adjusted. She smiled as she slipped away, her heart stopped but her brain worked, she thought about everything as she went into the light. Most people think that's a bad thing, but she was so in love with being happy in heaven with the people she loved that sometimes she anticipated death. She wasn't anywhere familiar though, she hadn't ever been to this place. She was in her long white dress that she loved so much and she was barefoot like always, her hair was in perfect beach curls like normal but the location was different. All white walls, white floors, white everything. The ground wasn't soft and warm it was hard and cold like the concrete in December. She could see her breath as she rubbed her upper arms gently, when she said it was freezing she wasn't kidding.


She yelled out and her voice echoed lightly, which was expected.


She turned around to see a man, he was sitting at a desk. An all white desk of course, to match everything else that was white. He was African american, older looking. He had on an all white tux, shocker she thought to herself before shivering

"hi....who are you?"

"I am God."

He smile innocently as sunny cackle out, that was the first time she laughed in a while and damn it felt good, she smiled before rubbing her hands together, they were feeling frost bitten and she hadn't even been there for five minutes.

"yeah okay. Seriously though, who are you? wheres Rex?"

"Rex is with Mason."

She furrowed her eyebrows, her heart jumped a bit at the sound of her sons name.

"how do you know Mason?"

"i know everyone... im god."

He made a steeple with his fingers as he leaned forward with his hands clasped together. She narrowed her eyes at him, there was no way this guy was god himself.

"your name is Sunny, you were born on July, 25, 1991. You are 24 years old, you are from Houston, Texas. You were adopted by-"

"yeah yeah i get it, you know everything. your god. Great. Cool. Why am i here?"

He took in a deep breath before clearing his throat and standing up. Average height, his weight looked average as well, he was not what she expected at all. She expected to see a tall skinny white man with a huge beard because that's how he was depicted as all over the world, when right now he looked like the fun uncle at the family cook outs.

"i need to show you something."

"okay? and now is the time? I just lost my son and now there trying to save my life down there, busting there asses. Sorry excuse my language."

"you are forgiven my child."

Sunny bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing, she didn't know why that was funny but it was. She took in a deep breath and swallowed before smiling calmly as god walked up to her

"Lets go on a trip."

He held out his hand and of course she grabbed it, he was god. She trusted him with her life because well...he was the reason she had one. She felt her body grow warm as her hand was placed into his as if she stepped foot inside an oven, it was a great feeling because she felt like she was going to turn into a Popsicle. A sunny-sicle, hehe she smiled as she thought to herself

"Everything happens for a reason, you should know that by now. You should know that i took Masons life for a reason."

Her throat tightened up and she felt like she couldn't breathe, at that moment she wanted to scream and cuss because it seemed highly disrespectful for him to say that. But he was god...he was god and she was sunny so she had no choice but to stay quiet and nod her head yes.

"Good, i brought him to me for a reason, he is happy with Rex. He is fine Sunny and i grant you permission to visit him whenever you would like but.....there is a reason behind my madness."

She smiled small at the words he spoke, she would be able to see him and that was good. Of course she wouldn't be able to see him grow but she would still be able to see him. They walked over to the set of windows and stood in front of them, she stared out of them calmly until he punched his hand through

"What in the world?! what was that for?"

"we needed a way out, go on."

She looked out the now shattered window then back at him with her nose scrunched and her eyebrows furrowed

"you want me to jump out of the window?...."

"yes, go. I'm right behind you...for goodness sake Sun'Jai, im god. You can trust me."

He was right, she could trust him. Right? She swallowed and took a deep breath before lifting the bottom of her long dress up a little and throwing her leg through the window. She held it up in the air for a few seconds before feeling a soft plushy flooring, it felt like cotton candy but it was cold, very very cold. A little to cold to the point she didn't want to put her foot down. She moved out all the way and stood up, there was a breeze but the breeze was warm, it was a nice warm breeze to warm up her freezing cold body. He stepped out as well and clapped twice, right before her eyes the window went from shattered to brand new which made her mouth drop. He laughed before unbuttoning the first button of his shirt and holding out his arm, she reluctantly wrapped hers around his feeling her body warm up even more.

"Lets go on a little field trip."

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