Vanilla : Chapter 80

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(side note: Riley is in the picture ^)

"You don't like swimming?"

"i do, i would just much rather sit here with you and Mason."

Sunny smile kindly as she sit in a lounge chair next to Izzy as she lounge too, she watch as the OVO crew mess around in the pool with Connor and Riley. The two boys said that they had learned to swim yet never actually got to swim because George and Tina were scared they would drown or something. At the moment OB was taking the boys around the back of the Rock wall and to the water slide which they hadn't even noticed and they had been in the pool for a good two hours now.

"Why are you so nice to us? after the beach you didn't have to come visit us but you did, you bought us food and now your letting us stay here...why?"

Sunny moved her gaze from the boys over to a puzzled looking Izzy, who sipped from a juice box as she sat with her legs tucked under her butt. She wore a pink two piece bikini with purple ruffles around the waist band of the bottom, she looked adorable like always.

"well, i like you guys. A lot. And i thought it would be cool to be able to hang out with you again especially, and it seems like your brothers like Aubrey, probably more then i like him."

She giggled cutely at her obscene suggestion, how could two young boys like him more then his own fiance? but it was clearly being shown how much they adored him and it was also being shown about how much he cared about them. He always had them laughing and smiling, always keeping them interested in something.

"This house is so cool, i cant believe you live like this. Mason is so lucky."

Through out the day Izzy would bring up something and say how mason was lucky, whether it be about how cool of a mom she was or like just now because of the way she was living. It made her heart swell yet at the same time crack a little bit, she wished they had this luxury because god they deserved it. They were probably the worlds coolest kids

"hey boys! probably about ten more minutes."


"Give us twenty!"

"yea babe, give us twenty."

She narrowed her eyes at Aubrey who gave her a boyish charm smile, she rolled her eyes playfully

"fine then i guess me and Izzy are just going to have to eat all the pizza by ourselves."


Everybody in the pool yelled out in excitement, everyone meaning all the crew as well. It was a bit ridiculous as to how excited they got over pizza but it was pretty cute. She turned her head and smiled at Izzy, just looking at her made her heart melt

"so whats it like in heaven for you? my father, Rex, say that every bodies heaven is different. Whats your parents heaven like?"

"its on a boat, my parents love boats. Me too, i like sail boats they used to take me on them all the time when i was younger and when they were still alive."

Her heart dropped to her stomach. Spitting. Image.

It was sort of becoming a known fact that Sunny and Izzy were basically identical, it was kind of becoming hard for sunny to believe that she wasn't her daughter that she gave birth too and she just didn't remember it. They were so alike and it hurt her to know that Izzy wasn't hers. Same for the Boys, Aubrey was so happy around them and the way he talked to them, played with them, loved them, it was enough to make a homicidal serial killer burst with love.

"I love boats too."

"really? like, your not just saying that."

"nope, my dad was in the navy and his whole life was based around the water. I grew up with boats and i love them so much."

She smiled big up at Sunny after finishing her now fourth juice box.

"Were like twins sunny its so cool. i wish i could be with you forever."

"me too Iz, me too."

Dinner was nice, the boys were more happy about pizza then they were about McDonald's which was also a surprise. They all sat in the dining room for once instead of standing around the island in the kitchen, the whole crew including the kids all sat together dining on take out pizza as if it were a five star meal. At the end of dinner all the guys had a burp contest which made Sunny and Izzy a bit queasy because it made the dining room smell awful. After dinner Sunny helped bathe the kids, they each got in the bath tub so sunny could wash there hair and when that was done she washed out the shampoo and bubbles on there bodies in the shower, it was all a good way to prepare for Mason because one day she would be having to do this.

"This feels good, ive never had my hair brushed before."


"yes, Tina just lets me and Riley have wild crazy hair. She never brushes it or takes us to get haircuts."

"do you want a haircut?"

"Not really, me and Riley like having wild hair. It attracts the ladies."

Sunny laugh out as she continue to comb through Connors curls, Riley was nearly passed out on the bed, he was feelin good from a long day of swimming, a full belly from dinner because he ended up eating the most pizza out of everyone, nice and cozy after his bath, and now in his warms pajamas. The boys both had on matching PJ's, they wore regular white t-shirts and fuzzy race car pajama pants, while Izzy where a pair of cute footy pajamas, her hair was all combed through and placed into a nice curly ponytail.

"OKAY! you are all done."

"thank you sunny."

he turned and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek making her heart flutter, Each and everyone of them was so perfect and she didn't know how to express that enough. She left to go put away the combs and natural curl cream and by the time she was back all of the kids, including Aubrey were all under the covers snuggled up. Aubrey smile at Sunny innocently as the kids all watch cartoons on the TV, it was a sight that melted her heart a little more then it already was, she crawled in kissing all of there heads before kissing Aubrey's lips and crawling under the covers as well. She felt a small arm wrap around her torso and looked down to see that it was Izzy, she smiled before wrapping her arm around her and kissing the top of her head.

That night she fell asleep feeling nothing but love and thinking about how she was compatible.

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