"What?" I said.

"You" she simply replied.

"Why? Whats wrong with me?"

"Nothing" she paused. "You really love her don't you"

I looked down at her sleeping form and smiled and nodded. "Yes I do" I glanced back up at the road and then back down at Jess. "More than anything in the world" I said quietly.

"Aaww" Beth cooed in the back. Did I say that, that loud? "So what was she doing out tonight?"

"Drowning her sorrows, if you want a direct quote"


"Do you even need to ask?" She asked in a flat tone.

"Right, yeah. Of course" I sighed.

The drive was relatively short and after our little conversation, we drove in silence. When we got to Beth's house I spoke up once again.

"I think I'm just going to stay at hers tonight. Make sure she's okay" I said.

"Ok but are you sure she's gonna be ok with that? You aren't really her favourite person right now"

"I know but, I'd rather face her wrath and make sure shes okay, than stay up half the night worrying if shes choking on her own sick. And anyway I wasn't the one who cheated on her. I didn't tell her to help her avoid heartbreak but..." I broke off. I really did it with the best intentions in mind.

"Fair point and I know Jack but you kept it from her. You're one of her best friends and you witheld vital information from her. Just give her time" I nodded my head. "Anyway night Jack". She got out of the car and waved goodbye.

When we arrived at Jess' house, we discovered her adad wasn't home and I let us in with her spare key, hidden within the plant pot. Once inside, I carried her up the stairs and placed her on her bed. I sat on the edge of the bed and I heard her mutter something.

"Beth was right"

"About what?" I asked.

"You not being my favourite person right now"

"You heard that huh?" I paused. "Well if I'm being completely honest, I'm not my favourite person at the minute either" Literally, I feel like beating myself up!

"Jess I am really sorry for not telling you about that dickhead. It was a dumb move and I promise I will be completely honest with you from now on" Imstood up and walked towards the door. "I'm going to sleep in your guest room. Just shout me if you need me" 

I was almost out when she spoke again. "Jack..."


"Thank you"

What? Okay now I'm really confused, wasn't she just busting my chops about how much I hurt her?

"What for?" I could feel my face had scrunched up due to my thinking.

"Getting me home safely"


I nodded. "No problem" Then I left.

Leaving her alone was hard. Usually I would've slept with her. That was the way it had always been. I doubt she would be open to that idea at the moment though. I trudged towards the guest bedroom, which fortunately was opposite hers.

I stripped down to my t-shirt and boxers and jumped into the cool, but comfortable queen sized bed.

I lay there for what felt like hours thinking about Jess, but in reality it had only been a mere 30 minutes.

I contemplated getting up and going to see her. To talk. To make things right. But I refrained. She wouldn't want to talk to me anyway... would she? I bet the only reason she briefly spoke to me earlier was because she was drunk.

What could I do to make her forgive me?

Ideas kept springing into my mind and I lay awake thinking about all manner of things I could do.

Then it hit me! A series of small things, concluding with a big finale. Gosh this sounds like I'm choreographing a dance piece.

But it was perfect and I knew exactly what I had to do to win Jess over. Gosh I've gotta tell Danny...


A/N Hiya guys, did you enjoy reading the chapter in Jack's POV? What do you think Jack is going to do to win Jess back?

Anyway vote, like and comment. 5 votes gets an early update!!

Love to you all ❤️❤️❤️

B- Xx

Its A Kind Of Magic (Previously 'Deciding')Where stories live. Discover now