Chapter 6: Making Ammends

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A few hours later Beth left. Tom had already gone after a brief make out session, much to Beth's disgust. Our relationship had moved quite fast but it was fun. I decided to go round to apologise to Jack, or get an apology out of him because he shouted at me, either way we needed to talk. I got in my car and drove the 5 minute journey to his house. I could have walked but it started to rain so I thought better of it.

When I got there I walked up to his front door and rang the bell. His mom's car was there, which was strange because she was almost always away on buisness. As for his dad, he doesn't know. He left when he was 3 and they haven't heard from him since. His older brother also left a few years ago.

Jack preferred it on his own in the house because it meant he could do what he wanted, whenever he wanted to do it. Did I mention his mom was a top business entrepreneur that travelled a lot and earned big money? Another reason he can do whatever. After a few minutes the door opened. I wasn't as shocked as I could have been to see his mom stood their in her pencil skirt, blazer and heels with her phone in her hand and a bluetooth in her ear. She can never leave her business at the office.

"Mrs Stone, nice to see you"

"Aahhh..." she pauses

"Jess?" I say politely

"Thats it, Jess. How can I help you?"

"Uumm is Jack in? I need to speak with him..."

"I'm afraid he went out with Danny, not sure when he'll be back"

"Ok don't worry about it" I say and turn to walk out the door and Claire (Jack's mom) is already talking into her bluetooth. I pull out my phone and start to text Danny.

Me: R u with Jack? x

I walk down the road and my phone beeps

Danny: Yeah y? x

Me: Where are you? x

Danny: Burger King in town x

Me: Don't say anything to him but I'm coming, need to talk to him. See you in 20 x

Danny: Ok x

I get home and into my car. 20 minutes later I arrive outside Burger King and get out. I push open the big heavy door and walk into the restaurant. Glancing round I spot the two of them in a booth in the corner. I walk over and Danny looks up from his burger and at me.

"Hey" he says. Jack looks over his shoulder and then turns away throwing the chip he was about to eat back in the packet. "I'll leave you two alone" Danny stands up, grabs his burger and pulls me into a shoulder hug with his spare hand. I sit opposite Jack and stares at his food and around the restaurant.

"I'm sorry" I mumble. He looks up slightly and then back down. "Listen, I know your mad at me, but can you tell me why?" He looks up and laughs.

"Yeah I am"

"Common Jack tell me why?" I plead

"Cus I am! I try to protect you from him and you throw it back in my face by becoming his girlfriend? To me that isn't what friends do!" I feel them coming, and then a tear falls down my cheek, and another until I'm full out crying. "Wait, I'm sorry Jess. I didn't mean it" I get up and run to the girls bathroom. I put one of the lids down and sit on it and lock the door behind me. A few seconds later I hear to door open.

"Jess I know you're in here!" He says. He knocks the door. "Jess open up, so we can talk" I dont. A large thump makes the door vibrate and he slumps down until I see his back under the gap under the door.

"What are you doing here?" I whimper.

"I said I want to talk" he says back.

"I mean in the girls bathroom?" I chuckle. Keep focused, remember he made me cry.

"Well I had to talk to you so... and if you don't open up you'll leave me no choice" I don't say or do anything. "Fine" He stands up and then it goes silent. Next thing I know one of his legs comes over the top of the cubicle next to me.
"Oh My God Jack what are you doing? I would have opened the door eventually, I like food too much!" I chuckle.

"I know, and I know you would have, but then I thought, wheres the adventure in that?" And he laughs. I open the door and step out giving him room to climb over. He's always been the adventurous and fearless one. When he's safely on the ground he straightens his shirt out and runs a hand through his hair. "So uum... listen I'm sorry for shouting at you earlier, I was out of order and just a bit annoyed that you were dating him. I suppose s bit jealous actually" he said nervously.

"Jealous? Why?"

"Well you mean so much to Beth and Danny... and me, and I just didn't really think about having to share you" he chuckles and this time I do aswell. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his chest and give him a big hug. His pauses for a couple of second then wrap his arms around me too.

"You'll never loose me..."

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Its A Kind Of Magic (Previously 'Deciding')Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang