Chapter 15: Jacks POV

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Jacks POV~

In that very moment I needed to kiss her. She looked so fragile and cute in my arms, it just needed to be done. After what she said about Tom, I realised she was actually still a virgin. It doesn't matter to me. In fact I think its admirable that she is, but what became clear to me was she was actually more fragile than you would think.

"Ssshhh don't worry Jess. Its all going to be ok" I said quietly. She pulled back and wiped away her tears.

"Thank you Jack. It means a lot that you're here" She says. I put my finger under her chin and lifted it so I could look into her eyes properly.

"I wouldn't miss your birthday"

"Thank you. Oh I bet I look such a mess!" She said wiping around her eyes again.

"Anything but" I whispered. I edged closer and looked down at her lips which were pink and looked so soft. Then back to her eyes and I licked my lips.

"Jack" She whispered. I should have taken that as a sign to stop, but I couldn't and she didn't pull away.


I edged forward again and then the door opened. "Shit" I put her on the bench next to me quickly and saw it was Beth stood there.

"Jess are you out... aahh there you are, oh Jack, didn't know you were here" I waved. "Anyway come in, its time for you to blow out your candles!" She ran back inside shutting the door behind her and we both stood up.

"Come on" She said.

"Wait. I didn't give the second half of my present to you" I dug through my back pocket and pulled out a small navy, suede, box and handed it to her. It was a little silver snowflake charm for her bracelet that her Grandad had bought her before he died. While she was admiring the charm, I took a step closer to her. "Do you like it?" I said

"Jack its beautiful!"

"Well I know how much you like winter soo..."

"Thank you Jack" She said and then kissed me on the cheek. My eyes widened in shock. "What? I said I would kiss you on the cheek!" She said. We both laughed an then I took her small wrist and took the charm out of the box and hooked it onto the bracelet.

"Come on" I said tugging at her wrist and pulled her inside. Everyone started singing happy birthday and she couldn't stop giggling. She went over to Beth and blew out her candles. Hmmm I wonder what she wished for? I would ask her that later. When all that had happened I went to find the toilet. We didn't really go to Beth's house as much. We usually went to Jess' or mine. I couldn't remember where the bathroom was so I had to use trial and error. I looked in one and it was the study. Nope. The next one I looked in had a very busy couple in there. Definitely not. I looked in the next one and couldn't believe what I saw. In Beth's room aswell! It took all my power not march over and punch him in the face. How dare he?

"What the fuck is happening here?" I yelled.

"Shit can you not see we're bu...?" Tom yelled back. He realises is its me. Then I realise they're actually still going. Right in front of me.

"How could you do that to Jess?" I yell back at him. Then I look down to the completely naked redhead underneath Tom who seems to be annoyed because of the fact that what they still seem to be doing is no longer in private.

Then he stops. "She wouldn't! Doesn't mean I still can't!" He laughs and the girl does too.

"Your an asshole! I always knew you were! My cousin Todd, from your old school told me about you and I didn't like you even when I didn't know you!" I yelled at him. They'd both stopped and he threw a blanket over the redhead that was really sweaty on the floor. He stood up and pulled his boxers on. Then walked over to me.

"Yeah and what are you going to do about it? She won't believe you. After all the things you've said, this she won't believe! Do you really want to ruin your friendship for good? Because If you tell her, I'll turn it all on you. She'll never speak to you again! Cece doesn't care about Jess, shes fine with me being a couple with Jess and her being there or my benefits!" She nods.

"How are you gonna turn it on me?" I say while my blood boils clenching my fists at my sides.

"I'd say that your jealous. That you're making it up just to come between us. Like you said, you've never liked me, why wouldn't you something like that to split us up?" He says smugly.

"I care about her thats why!"

"Good, then you wont tell her and break her heart! Oh and I'll tell you just to make it harder for you, this is what I did that night she got attacked. Good little Cece here, helped me take my pain out on her! Although she enjoyed it!" He laughed and both were fully dressed by now. He pushed past me and went downstairs. I watched from the top of the stairs and saw Tom head straight over to Jess where he kissed her like nothing was wrong.

He was right. If I said anything, it would seem like I'm jealous and trying to split them up. I needed to tell her, but... I didn't want to lose her as a friend. I couldn't tell her, it would crush her, and shes already fragile enough...

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