Chapter 41: Mash Potato

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I haven't seen Jack since the morning after he dropped me home. As soon as I opened my eyes I saw him. Sat at the end of my bed, watching me. Not in a stalkery way but in a caring, protective... loving way.

He told me he found a note from my Dad downstairs, saying he was staying the night at the hospital with my Mom. Then he said because that he knew I was fine he was going to leave. A small part of me wanted to reach out to him and tell him, no... stay. But when my brain had finally kicked in and I was going to say something, I heard the front door shut.

I flopped back down with a groan and shut my eyes, drifting back to sleep.


Today, is Tuesday. The pitiful stares still keep on coming and frankly I'm fed up of it. Tom hasn't been in since, lucky bastard!

It was now lunch time. I was with Beth, Harriet and Izzy and as usual, no Danny or Jack. It feels like ages since we all hung out together as a group. I miss that.

As the four of us walked into the college's cafe, everyone hushed. All eyes were directed at us and there were quiet whispers whistling around us like the wind. The other three seemed to have noticed it too as they exchanged funny glances with each other. Slowly, still glancing around, we headed towards the lunch queue.

Todays special, didn't appeal to me at all. Mash potato which was a peculiar colour and texture and a slice of dried, burnt and oddly smelling beef. However Harriet seemed excited with the option. I just ordered a panini and grabbed an apple.

The whispers seemed to have died down a bit since when we first walked in, but they were still there as we found a table.

What was everyone's problem? Do I have something in my teeth?

We chatted away while we ate our lunch and only a few people were staring now. It seemed as though Harriet now agreed with my previous statement as she left half of the mash potato on her plate.

Then I realised something. Everything had gone deadly quiet. No whispers. No animated chatter from the girls talking about boys. You could literally hear a pin drop.

I glanced around, causing the girls to follow suit. Everyone's eyes were on me. What?

Then I felt a presence behind me. "Jess can we talk?" I knew that voice anywhere.

"No you fucking can't!" Someone growled from behind.


"I asked Jess, not you" he retorted back.

"Get away from her you piece of shit!" Jack literally snarled.

"What you gonna do if I don't?" At this point Tom was smirking.

"This" Jack said and simply pushed Tom into the table, adding a couple of punches a long the way.

Tom tried to retaliate but Jack was too strong.

Punch after punch Jack threw at Tom. The table of girls he threw him onto all ran off screaming and whining to their boyfriends how they thought they were going to die and how their life flashed right in front of their eyes. Pathetic, as if either of them would hit a girl!

I watched in horror as Tom started to fight back. He wrestled him over and started to punch him back. Landing a hit right in the gut. Danny must have seen my reaction when he got hit because he ran forward trying to pry Tom off of Jack; but just before he got there Jack switched positions and started pummelling Tom. Although Danny still lunged forward and grabbed Jack by the elbow, trying to pull him off. When that didn't work he tried to pull him off by the shirt but to no avail. He was dead set on causing some damage. But once again Tom flipped him and started to attack Jack. Where were the teachers?

I couldn't watch this anymore. I ran to where they were only to be dragged away again by Danny.

"Danny! Get! Off! Me!" I shouted.

"Jess, leave them be. I've tried to break them up but they won't, so no offence but i don't think you'll be able to either"

"Fine just let go of me" reluctantly he did. At some point during the small amount of time Danny and I were talking, Jack had pushed Tom to the floor and was inning him down.

Punch. "Leave!" Punch. "Her!" Punch. "Alone!" Jack yelled. Tom's face was all bloodied and Jack's was only marginally better.

Jack got up and I took one look at Jack's face and anger surged through me once more. How dare Tom do that? Tom deserved to be punched, but Jack... no he didn't!

Also how dare he try and talk to me after what he did and the way he treated me! So I did the only logical thing to do. I walked back to our table where all the girls were stood up in shock, grabbed what I needed. Slowly and calmly I walked over to where Tom was still laying on the floor. 

When I was stood just a few inches away from him, I crouched down next to him. I hid my weapon behind me, to create the element of surprise when I would strike.

"Oh hey babe, you come to help me up?" He asked with that annoying, arrogant smirk of his.

"No not really" Then I bought my weapon out from behind me back and smashed it against his face.


The mash potato flopped all over his head, some going in his hair, some on his clothes. It was like the inside of a mouldy baked potato had exploded over him!

I stood up with a smirk on my face. "You bastard!" I growled and walked off with Beth, Harriet and Izzy following closely behind. I heard everyone murmuring about how awesome our 'showdown' was.

I walked passed Jack and nodded my head in thanks, offering him a small smile. He returned the smile and shrugged nonchalantly.


Jack's POV~

I don't know what came over me. It was just pure rage and anger when I saw him talking to her. I had to do something. Admittedly fighting probably wasn't the most logical thing to do, but someone needed to put him in his place.

"Dude are you insane?" Danny laughed.

"Naa, its just what you do for people you care about"

"Oh really, so if an ex girl of mine started talking to me after she'd cheated, you'd do that to her?"

"I guess not" I replied.

"Exactly. You don't do that for every single person you care about. You do that for the ones you love" Danny replied with a teasing smirk.

"Oh shut up" I groaned playfully.

"Anyway should we get out of here before the teachers start asking questions?" Danny asked.

"Yeah lets go get a burger or something, the smell of the mash potato radiating off of Tom didn't smell too good" 

"I agree"

We started walking towards my car in the car park.n

"So my plan is working" Danny chuckled to himself.

"What? That wasn't part of the plan or my idea on how to get her back" I said.

"I know. It was just a happy coincidence that you beating him up was to protect her in a way" Danny chuckled again. I guess he was right. This could have helped me out a lot...


A/N Hiya Guys, I just couldn't resist updating again. The idea for this chapter has been circling in my brain for a long time now and I just couldn't wait to write it.

Also a quick insight into Jack's mind when it all happened.

I hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget to vote and comment and spread the word about my book.

Anyway, have a good day/night/afternoon/morning depending on where you are from.

Love to you all ❤️❤️❤️

B- Xx

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