Chapter 16: We need to talk

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Jack had been avoiding me all week and I couldn't understand why! I mean I had some ideas but each one got crazier than the one before. At first I thought it was because I kissed him, but he asked me to. Then I thought maybe I'd said something but since our little chat in the back garden at Beth's, I haven't really seen him. I've seen him walking around college but he would always look the other way or even worse he turned a corner. The first time he did that was hilarious. He didn't see the little nerdy girl in the year below us whose name I think Holly. Then he bumped straight into her, knocking her drink, books, papers and pencil case flying everywhere. The drink more specifically landed on her. It's no secret that she likes Jack. The only person who doesn't know it is him. He bent down to pick all her stuff up and apologised several times while she stared at him, her eyes duplicating in size several times. Another theory I had was that he had a long lost twin brother from Timbuktu, who switched places with him and didn't know who we were. Told you they got crazier, didn't I?

It had been 6 days now and Jack was doing his best to avoid me, annoying me as he succeded. Why wouldn't he talk to me? Had I done something wrong? I decided to take matters into my own hands. Just before the end of the class finished I asked to go the toilet. When the teacher refused, my only option was to use the women's only 'get out of jail free card' if you like. Mr Harrison looked shocked and disturbed when I announced this to him and he immediately let me go. I raced to Jack's sports class and new they would be getting changed at this very moment. I could just wait, but knowing there is some very attractive males probably half naked behind this door is too much of a tempting offer for me. I know I am dating Tom but hey... a girl can look! I opened the door an stormed in finding Jack in his boxers on the other side of the room play fighting with one of his other friends, I think his name is Dylan. I marched over earning some whistles and some cheers and a few comments about my skirt, which no, is not a belt. Fair enough its mid thigh, but hardly anything too revealing. I waited in front of Jack while he continued to 'beat up' Dylan or whatever his name is. I started to tap my foot impatiently but he didn't see or hear me. So instead, I did one of those little attention grabbing coughs and sure enough, he looked up at me and his eyes widened in shock.

"Jess, what a... uumm... nice surprise. You do realise this is the boys changing rooms?" He said.

"Oh cut the crap Jack! We need to talk" I said earning a few "ooohhhsss" from the guys.

"Not right now I'm a little busy" he said gesturing to his half naked, very nicely defined body. He looked even better than that night he stopped at my place.

"Tough luck you're coming with me!" i said and again earned more "ooohhhhsss" from the boys.

"Make me" he said with a smirk on his face. So thats when the last straw finally snapped. I lunged forward grabbing his ear and started to yank him out the door.

"Woo go hotty!" One shouted as I stormed out.

"Kick his ass Jess!" Another shouted. the rest just cheered. I curtseyed a little before yanking Jack out the door.

"Ow, ow ow ow, ow" he said moaning. So I yanked it even harder earning another loud "OW!" From Jack. I chuckled to myself. I took him outside, aware of how cold it was, I knew this would make him suffer. Especially as he was only in his boxers and socks.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I demanded as I pushed him against a wall and he rubber his sore ear.

"I don't know what you are talking about" he said confidently.

"Oh yeah? When was the last time you spoke to me?"

"About five seconds ago" he said.

"Before today!"


"Asking me the answer to B was not exactly classed as talking to me!" I said ready to rip his ear off.

"What do you think it was? Sign language?" He said smugly.

"Don't get smart with me Stone! I'm not in the mood!" I yelled at him, his face dropping. Suddenly my anger turned to sadness. How could he act like he wasn't avoiding me when he clearly was. Yesterday he was sat at our lunch table with Danny and Beth. When I sat down, he made some lame excuse and left without even saying hello. I walked over to the wall next to him, removing my arm from his throat. I slumped up against it and slowly slid to the floor. I brought my knees up to my chest and hugged them, putting my head on my knees. I heard Jack sit next to me and he shuffled right over next to me. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his chest. I sat there in his arms up against his rock solid abs, chiselled like stone.

"Jess... I'm sorry. I didn't want to be near you because of reasons I can't say. I didn't think you would be that bothered because you had Beth and Danny and... Tom. I'm sorry, I just didn't realise me being missing from you life for a week or two would upset you" he said, still cradling me. "I'm so sorry Jess. Please forgive me. I promise I won't avoid you from now on. Unless you smell" he said with a chuckle. I pulled away and smacked his chest and he pulled an overdramatic expression clutching the spot I hit, like he'd been shot. I couldn't help but giggle and he did too.

"Do you forgive me Jess?" He whispered and put his head against my neck, burying his face in my hair and I nodded. "Good" he whispered again into my hair. He kissed my head and we sat there for a couple of minutes until we got up and he walked to get changed. I went to my next lesson and realised I was 10 minutes late. Well at least I had my 'reasons'. I'm just glad that me and Jack are friends again. You see that's the thing with me and Jack, we don't fall out with each other that often but when we do fall out, generally we become friends again, just as quickly as we fell out.

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