Extra #3

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9 and a 1/2 months later...

"Okay, don't do anything stupid Jack. I want you back in one piece for the wedding"

"I know, nothing stupid or reckless"

"I know but its Ibiza. Party central for the young, I don't want you getting drunk and falling in the sea. Or..." I said quietly. Looking down at the floor.

"Or what?" He said, tilting my chin up with his thumb.

"Or, sleeping with someone younger and prettier than me" I mumbled.

"Jess, I love you. None of those bimbos that will throw themselves at any man. I don't want anyone else but you. Why else would I be marrying you?" I shrugged and he chuckled before placing a kiss on my forehead. "I only want you because you're funny and kind and you have the biggest heart. You're unbelievably sexy and beautiful and the funny part is, you don't even know it. Why would I want anybody else when I have you?"

I shrugged again and he chuckled again. He kissed my lips slowly. Showing me how much he loved me. I savoured the feeling, knowing I wouldn't be able to do this again for another few days.

We were interrupted by the wheels of a suitcase dragging along the pavement.

We'd been stood outside our front door for a good five minutes, waiting for Jack's friends to arrive.

When we pulled away, I noticed Danny and Callum standing there with smug looks on their faces.

"God guys, the stag do hasn't even happened yet. Wait until the honeymoon for that" Danny smirked.

I walked over and smacked his arm before pulling him into a hug. Then doing the same to Callum.

"Hey guys" Jack grinned and pulled them into a weird guy-hug thing.

After a few moments of chatting, a car pulled up and out came Rob, one of Jack's teammates.

He was really cool. He was funny, athletic, sweet and quite good looking too. Something Jack wasn't happy about when I pointed it out.

"Hey Rob" I smiled and hugged him.

"Hey Jess, guys" He smiled and nodded at the lads.

"Ready to go?" I asked and they all nodded. I offered to drive them to the airport, saves them ordering a taxi.

"Mark just texted" Jack said. Mark was another one of his teammates. "He said him and the others are already there" They all grunted in agreements and went back to discussing the football games that were to be taking place while they're away.

After about 15 minutes we arrived and the sadness filled my whole body. What I wouldn't do to just do another lap of the carpark. Having him hold my hand for just five more minutes.

I know it sounds silly because he's only going to be gone for five days and then in just a few weeks I'll be with him for the rest of my life, but I'm just nervous that something will happen.

The boys hopped out and I waited with them until they had to go through to security.

There was eight of them going in total. Eight young men, who all like alcohol and a good time. So you can understand my nervousness. Right?

When we were saying goodbye I was on the verge if tears, but I concealed them. I didn't want to ruin Jack's stag do.

"Okay we've gotta go now" I nodded. "I'll miss you baby" He pulled me into a tight hug and buried his face in my neck.

Its A Kind Of Magic (Previously 'Deciding')Where stories live. Discover now