Chapter 51: The Date

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I feel good. I feel happy. I feel... warm.

Instead of feeling my head on a soft pillow, I woke up with my head on something hard, yet comfortable.

I opened my eyes to see I wasn't in my room.

I was in Jack's.

Looking up I saw that my head was lying on Jack's bare chest along with my hand, and with his arm around my waist.

I smiled at the position. I reached up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, hoping to wake him. But did he? No.

I shuffled about so I could reach up further and I started kissing his lips. After a few seconds he opened his eyes and groaned because of the light.

But then he realised what I was doing, smiled against my lips and started kissing me back.

When we pulled away for air he rested his forehead on mine.

"That's a nice way to wake up" he said smiling boyishly.

I hummed in response.

"Seriously, we're sleeping in the same bed every night now" he said leaning back down for a kiss. I giggled.

"I love you" he whispered.

"I love you too" I whispered back.

We lay there snuggled up with each other for God knows how long, before Jack spoke again.

"I'm taking you home"

"What? Why?" I asked disappointed.

"You need to get ready" he said with a smirk.

"What for?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'm taking you out on a date" he said with the biggest grin I've ever seen.

"Oh okay" I grinned. I went to get out of his bed but he pulled me back to his chest. "I thought you said I need to get ready?"

"Yeah just ten more minutes" he hugged me close to his chest and shut his eyes.

But I didn't protest.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I said firmly as were sat in the car.

"But why not? I love you" he whined.

"And I love you too, but if you're taking me on our first official date, you will have to sit downstairs with my father"

"But I've met your father before, I've know him for fifteen years!" he protested and turning to look at me.

"Eyes on the road!" I screeched. Oh did I mention he's the one driving? This is only the second time I've been in a car with him while he's driving, other than the time when I was drunk as a skunk and I feel asleep so I wasn't really concerned.

"I've passed my test, you don't need to worry" He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, just keep your eyes on the road please. At least until you've been driving for a few months or something"

"Fine. Do I still have to sit downstairs? I'd rather come watch you get changed" he smirked.

"Yep" I said popping the 'p'.

He huffed. "Fine" he elongated the length of the word.

A few minutes later we arrived at my house. I used my key and opened the door.

"Honey, is that you?" My Mother called.

"Yeah Mom, its me"

"Where were you last night?" I heard her footsteps making their way towards us.

Its A Kind Of Magic (Previously 'Deciding')Where stories live. Discover now