Vanilla : Chapter 95

Start from the beginning

"Your Honor and ladies and gentlemen of the Jury: under the law my client is presumed innocent until proven guilty. During this trial, you will hear no real evidence against my client. During this trial you will come to know the truth, That Aubrey was just protecting the kids he loved from very abusive foster parents. After finding out that the children were being abused he was just doing the right thing by protecting the children, and for the record, if this trial goes well him and his Fiance will be adopting all three of them. So therefore, my client is not guilty."

With that she turned and walked back over to Aubrey, she sit down calmly as she pop open her brief case. The judge cleared his throat before speaking

"The prosecution may call its first witness."

Adam stood up and smoothed down his bright red tie

"The people call Elizabeth InnsBrook."

Izzy froze for a few seconds as the bailiff came to get her, Sunny kissed her cheek and told her it was okay before she actually stood up and went to the stand. Adam scooted forward and smiled kindly

"Hello Elizabeth."

"please call me Izzy."

"okay, Izzy. How are you today Izzy?"

She shrugged and moved her mouth to the side, showing her deep dimple

"im good, a little tired."

He nodded his head as he paced in front of the stand a few times before going back to the table and grabbing a stack of papers

"can you tell me what these are Izzy?"

He held them up, she squinted her eyes but smiled when she realized what they were

"those are my pictures."

"can you tell me what this one is, this one right here?"

He handed her the sheet of paper and she smiled down at it

"It is a picture of me and my mommy. I drew this after i spent the day with her."

"You wrote the date on the back, can you read that aloud please?"

She flipped the paper to the back and read out the date

"May, 12th, 2015."

He furrowed his eyebrows and grabbed the paper back from her, returning it with the stack

"See that's what confuses me Izzy. You say you met your mother and you drew this photo after you met her, correct?"


"see, what im confused about is how you met her?.. let the record show that your mother died when you were four, and your nine now. So, what im confused about is to how you could have met your mother if she was dead."

Kristen stood up from her seat

"objection, your honor."

The judge glanced over at Kristen slightly but returned his gaze back on Izzy and Adam.

"Overruled, Mr. Laurel get to the point of this please."

"yes, your honor."

He turned to the Jury and handed them the stack of papers, one by one they all looked over them

"if you look on the back you can see that these were all dated within the year of 2015, and what im guessing is these are all photos of you and your mother, correct?"

"yes. Some with my father too."

"some with her father too. People of the jury as you can see she has a wild imagination. Maybe even a little to wild, maybe a little wild to the point that shes making these things up about George and Tina."

"objection, your honor this is ridiculous."

"overruled. Continue Mr. Laurel."

"yes, your honor. See folks, kids come up with crazy things. They do weird stuff and speak there minds freely, am i insane for thinking that Izzy and her brothers may be lying. No im not......Kids make things up, its a part of as soon as one of them yells abuse does that mean George and Tina get the blame for, no it doesn't, and i-"

"im not crazy...i visit my parents all the time in heaven."

Adam smiled innocently as if saying "my point proven", he turned and looked at Izzy

"really? are your sure about that Izzy?"

"yes, i did last night. In fact, theirs a man right there. I met him last night too, Hes sunnys dad. His name is Rex. Hes right there."

She pointed over to a corner, Sunnys heart nearly stopped because she knew it was true, she knew it was bound to happen sometime, why wouldn't Rex want to meet his future granddaughter, but she didn't understand why it had to happen the night before court. Everyone in the court room turned to look where she was pointing, they all saw nothing though. Only Izzy saw. Adam smirked once more before smoothing his tie and walking to his seat

"no further questions, you can step down now."

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