DARKNESS | Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

I strap the sheathe to my upper thigh over my black leather-ish tights before replacing the dagger back in it. I tiptoe to the small pile of clothes kept in the corner of my tent and hurriedly flick them away to expose the jewellery box passed onto me by my parents. Quickly opening it, I release a small breath of relief upon seeing it still contains the two leather-bound journals, a photograph of my parents, my iPod and the sapphire-encrusted key to The Secret Room. I tuck it into a small black bag and stand up to survey the tent, picking up my piece of cut and discarded rope.

As I'd anticipated, the cover of darkness has fallen during the time it took me to free myself. The fire in the centre of the camp a few metres away from the front of my tent, reveals the silhouettes of two Rebellions standing guard outside my tent door. I pull the dagger from the sheathe on my thigh and cross the room, plunging it silently into the fabric of the tent. I drag the blade down, efficiently carving a gap large enough to slip through. When I've done just that, I take a few seconds to survey my outside surroundings.

The residents and members of the encampment appear to be inside their various tents, preparing to bed down for the night. Seizing the opportunity to try and exit unseen, I begin to move down to the edge of my tent. Without allowing myself the opportunity to consider what I'm about to do and the potential consequences, I bolt out from the side of the tent as quietly as possible and head straight into the dark cover provided by a nearby tree. My black attire aids my ability to blend in and I pull the the hood of my jumper over my head for extra measure.

After taking a moment to re-orientate myself with the layout of the camp, I shift around to the other side of the tree, checking to see if the coast is clear. It is, and so I set out taking long strides between the rows of tents in the direction I want to go. There's something I have to do before I make my big escape. My figure strides through the camp with a defined purpose that no one seems to pick up on or detect and before I know it I've reached my destination, heart thumping wildly.

Instead of entering into the tent through the front door, I gouge a slit in the side of the structure and quickly step inside, immediately leaning up against the inner wall as my eyes adjust to the slightly darker environment. Soft moonlight filters through the wound I'd carved in the fabric, bathing a crouched figure in a pool of silver illuminance.

The expression that overtakes Kale's features is one of shock, awe and concern.

Immediately, I duck down beside him and finger the knot of his gag secured behind his head, working the strip of cloth away.

"Harper, what are you doing here? Are you okay? How'd you escape?" Kale rapid-fires questions like machine gun bullets. But unlike machine gun bullets, Kale releases his ammo in a whisper.

"Run with me," I say quickly, my eyes desperately searching his. "I know this is sudden, but we don't have much time. I can't stay here anymore and I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess in the first place."

Kale's blue eyes dart between my own, his gaze gauging my level of seriousness. His wrists are secured behind his back against a metal pole that's been driven into the ground.

He shakes his head suddenly, as though snapping himself back to reality and out of whatever trance his thoughts had submerged him in.

"Okay," he whispers in return, and that's all the confirmation I need.

Swiftly, I move behind him and begin silently hacking at his binds with my sapphire-encrusted dagger. The ropes eventually fall from his wrists and I push up onto my feet, offering Kale a hand up. He accepts it, looking upon me with a slight amazement. "Let's go," he murmurs, voice laced with gratitude.

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