Chapter 4

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I may be twisted, I may be crazy.
But remember in reality we are the same equal.
You are just like me. No matter what you tell yourself.
I am you.
And you are me.

~Jeff the killer

Her name is Maze shes a creature that is very strong but she can easily fool you.

Her kind had to be put down because they were created by Zalgo, they were created by him to kill each creepypasta and burn down Slendermans forest into ash.

But what Slender didn't know that Maze was the same as them all.

The next morning Skylar and Jeff went to go kill. Maze stayed in the mansion thinking about one person and one person only and that was Sklyar.

She wanted her away from Jeff as far as possible. So she could have Jeff to herself.

It was dinner time and Maze was looking at Skylar and Jeff. They were sitting so close to each other that it was getting Maze angry.

It was night time and Jeff had kissed Skylar goodnight and went to there own rooms.

Maze took out the gasoline and poured it around the mansion then she lit a match and then dropped it.

Fire spreaded around quickly through the hallways, living room,on top of the mansion, everywhere.

Skylar smelled smoke so she puts on her boots and went to open her door when fire was in front of her. Her eyes widen than ran into the fire and turned on the fire alarm. Everybody ran out the front of the mansion, Jeff grabbed skylar and headed out the mansion.

Skylar's Prov.

I heard a cry....sally.

I pulled out of Jeff's grip and ran

"SKYLAR!" He yelled my name but I needed to help her, we are a family and we protect each other, and right when I grabbed her the door busted open to reveille some men with a mask and a net in there hands.

"RUN SALLY!" I yelled. I grabbed my knife when one of the men tried to catch her I pulled out my knife and slit the person in the throat.

A net went over my head and I was trapped, I couldn't breath, I was tangled and right when I was about to pass out, the person I saw standing behind the man was no other than the new girl, Maze.

Few moments later (Jeff's Prov.)

The mansion was falling and smoke appeared to come out and into the sky.

Sally came out then Maze.

"Where's Skylar?" I asked worried

Sally started to cry

"They catch her, some men with masks had a net and trapped her." She started to cry so I hugged her. I never felt so weak before and what was I supposed to do without her.

"I found Sally and by the time I found her they've already had taken Skylar away." Said Maze.

I felt a tear come down my face and then it started to rain. Slenderman took all of us to Smileys mansion to stay for the night.

I couldn't sleep, I felt so lonely, so empty inside and out. I needed her she's the only one who heals my pain, the only one who can controlled my insanity. She's my everything.

I had to find her, I just have to. I heard a knock on my door so I got up from the bed and opened the door to reveal Maze.

"...Maze, you need something." She looked at me with full eyes. I wasn't wearing a shirt only my pants, so I was showing my six pack.

"May I come in." She said.

"Uh...sure." I didn't know what to say. My mind was on Sklyar, where is she when I needed her the most.

Right when I shut the door she was on the bed.

"Come on sit, I won't bite." I signed and sat down next to her.

"So tell me, what did you want." I said. She got up and lifted both of her hands and then wrapped them around my neck and then she kissed me.

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