Chapter 11

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When you say I love you

I need you to show it then say it,

Cause words can be twisted with
lies and hurtful truths.


I turned around and saw Ben at the door.

"What are you doing here?" I said

"I forgot something."

I turned around and I didn't see Sky behind me. I looked around and couldn't find her.

"Why don't you have your sweater on?" He asked.

"Well.." I scratched the back of my head trying to think of something to say.

"..Oh I see, my bad I'll leave you guys alone, see ya." Right after he left I went to go find her.

I went into the kitchen and I dropped a plate by accident. I picked up the plate and was going to set it on the table. Before my eyes she was sitting on the table, her legs were crossed and all she had on was her black panties and clear white shirt. Her bare legs, so soft, I set the plate on the table and took her legs and wrapped then around my waist, feeling her soft skin.

I pinned her to the wall and then started kissing her neck and then I took off her shirt, reliving her black bra. I kissed her everywhere I could possibly could think of.

I unzipped my pants and then i took off her panties and then I thrusted inside her, feeling her was so good. I went faster and harder at the same time, she was holding tight to me and moaning while I go.

A few hours passed and we laid on the couch tired. I laid on her belly and kissing it, then her ear twitched.

"Someone's coming." She said while panting.

We got up and changed and she grabbed some short shorts, when she was finished I grabbed her and kissed her long and hard.

The others came through the door and greeted us and we greeted back. Ben was standing by me and smiled and giggled a bit, I shook my head and looked away.

I saw Sklyar walk upstairs so I followed behind, her back was on the wall and her hair was covering her face.

"Sky what's wrong?" I lifted her chin with my hand and saw her green eye turn half red like before. She took my hand off her chin and then puts her hands on my shoulders and then squeezed my shoulders, hard. I held her hands and she puts her head down.

"Skylar what's going on?" I didn't know what to do, I just stood there holding her hands. She calmed down and then she let's go and looks up. Her eye were back to normal.

"We need to talk." She says

She takes my hand and leads me to her room and she sits on the bed and I sat next her.

"I love you Jeff I really do, but I don't belong here." I got up from the bed and then looked at her.

"Your leaving me, right."

"No it's not like that."

"It sounds like it, we just made love and your telling me this now." I was angry, she was going to leave me like Jane did. She looked down.

"You might think I'm leaving you, but I'm not Jeff."

"Then what is it Skylar?"

"I have something inside of me and I can't control it." She placed her hand on her chest.

"What's inside of you "

"...The other side of me." She looked at the floor.

"Remember when I told you that Jane stabbed me with a needle." She looked at me.


"Well something was in it and it unleashed something inside of me that I hid for a long time."

"What will it do?"

"It will kill anything that gets in it's way, that's why I can't stay." She got up and was going to walk out the door but I pull her arm and then made her face me.

"When you leave, Zalgo is going to take you away from us and we won't be able to see you Sky."

"You guys won't even see me if you're dead." She tried to get out of my grip but I tightened even more.

"Jeff, let go!" She started to squirm around but then I took both her arms and held her close.

"I lost a girl back then because she wanted a new start by herself and then told me she didn't even love me and she left me cold hearted and I won't let that happen again Sky, your my girl and your not leaving." I pushed her against the wall.

"Jeff I'm not going to tell you again, let me go!" She was getting angry.

"And I'm not going to tell you again." I said. Her green eye turned half red like before and then she pushed me hard that I hit the bar at the end of the bed with my head.

Her eye went back to normal and I put my head down, a bit of blood ran down my forehead.

"Jeff I'm so sorry." she walked up to me and kneeled down and touched my head.


"I'll go get an icepack, I'll be right back." when she was about get up I reached her arm and pulled her gently.

"Stay....please." she stopped for a moment and then sat on my lap and hugged me.

"Ok....I'll stay." she teared a bit but then smiled.

"Promise." I said

"Promise." she licked the blood off my forehead and then kissed my lips and I held her close.

"Sorry." she whispered to me.

"Stop apologizing, just don't leave me." she smiled and giggled.

"Ok." she touched my face, her touch never felt so good, and if she leaves again I won't be able to control the pain this time.

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