Chapter 27

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Greatness lives on the edge of destruction.

And the reason is-

Someone is great if
they survived death.

-Will Smith

I got up to make breakfast for everyone. I made pancakes, scrabbled eggs, bacon, and toast.

They came into the kitchen and joined the table. They started to eat like wild, a smiled crept up my face but then disappeared.

They all finished and went to do there regular things. Jeff came up to me and kissed my cheek.

"Good morning Kitty." He said.

"Morning smiley." He chuckled and kissed me lips and I kissed back.

I walked upstairs and into my room. I took out a box under my bed, it was pure black. My mother gave it to me before she died, I opened the box to see two sharp silver knifes.

I grabbed them and attached the ends together, the knife grew longer and sharper. It was my hight, both the ends were very sharp that you can cut anything in one slice.

I disconnected the knifes then slid it in my socket that was attached to my long sock.

The door opened to my room, Jeff entered. He closed the door behind him, and pulled me into a tight hug.

"Skylar, I love you. I wanted you from the start, you made me experience feelings that I haven't felt for anyone, most of the feeling I don't like, like jealousy and guilt. But as long as I have you I don't care what happens only if you don't get hurt. Because I gotta have you every step of the way, I love you Skylar."

I looked at him as if I missed something. But I smiled at him and kissed his soft lips.

"Are you ready for the fight?" He asked. I smiled at him.

"How did you know?" He hugged me even tighter.

"Slender saw Zalgo's and his army entering our side of the forest and they came here looking for a fight." He let's go and grabbed my hand, entwining our fingers together.

"Then let's go." I said. We ran down the stairs and into the and out the front door.

Once we were I front of the mansion, everyone was out side. They were in a circle, there backs facing each other.

Jeff joined them, I went into the middle of the circle they have created.

"Skylar, try to smell there sent." Jack said. Maves was right next to him, they were holding hands. But I didn't understand why she was here and not hiding, she was just a human not one us, right?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath....I opened my eyes.

"I don't smell anything." I tried to listen closely, I closed my eyes again...I heard leaves rustling and twigs snapping. I opened my eyes quickly, I grabbed my knifes but I didn't connect them.

"There approaching, get ready!" I yelled. They got there weapons out and ready.

Slenderman joined in the center of the circle. I closed my eyes again....I opened them quickly, Zalgo's army was surrounding us.

Just when I turned to look at Jeff we were all transported into a dead, burn down woods. We didn't move, we were in the same spot, it was the location that was different.

Zalgo made his way through his army towards us.

"Well, welcome to my place." He said. There was a old run down building a few yards behind us. I attached my knife together to make it longer and sharper.

"I'll see you later, if you survive." He said. Then he disappeared.

"Run towards the building," I yelled."Ill take care of this!" Jeff grabbed my arm.

"Are you crazy, there's billions of them, you'll die!" I caressed his cheek.

"I'll be ok, I promise." I kissed his cheek. He grabbed my face, he made me face him.

"I'm not going to lose you again, Skylar." He leaned his forehead towards mine.

"You won't." I kissed him quickly. Jack grabbed his arm and pulled him away, but he kept looking at me while he was being dragged.

"Are you sure child, don't you want any of our assistants?" Slenderman asked. I shook my head.

"I'll be fine, you guys go on ahead. I got this." He nodded and left.

The army got there weapons ready and I got mine ready. I took one last look at the entrance of the building the creepypastas looking at me.

I smiled, my eyes turned all red then his army ran towards me, there weapons pointing at me.

I was trapped, they were coming in all directions at the same time.

I raised my weapon then cut open one of his army's body in half, then sliced a head.

They were demons, they were all men that wanted my dead.

I kicked one in the face with my knee then stabbed him in the heart. I cut another in the stomach then broke his head, then another, another, another, and another.

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