Chapter 17

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Deep inside

Myself I found

A piece of myself

That still loves you

More than it can possibly can.


While he was killing the girl I took a run for it.

I hated him but I love him so much that it hurts just to say it.

I ran towards the forest and when I reached the center of the forest I stopped, I heard something running and it was coming towards me so i started to run again.

I looked behind me and I couldn't see who was chasing me and I was running out of breath.

Once I turned around there was a lake and I stopped.

I couldn't swim, I turned around but Jeff was standing in front of me in his illusion form.

There was a tree next to him and it was easy to climb.

He took a step forward but his knife was out then he started to walked towards me, this is my chance.

"Sky-" I ran passed him and climbed the tree and he followed.

I was standing on a tree branch and it was high, and under it was the lake.

I looked down and my heart started to beat faster. He was right behind me but he changed into his regular form and I started to scoot a bit since this branch is long.

"Skylar please...stop scooting away."He pulled out his hand for me to take.

I heard a crack sound and then I tried to reach for his hand but it was too late.

The branch broke and I fell into the water.

"SKYLAR!" He yelled.

I couldn't breath, I tried to swim but I never have been taught or even taught myself.

I lost breath and I let myself sink.

The last word that came out of my lips were,


I felt someone grab my arm and pulled me up and then I felt something push my chest down.

Water ran down my mouth as I coughed it all up.

He hugged me tight.

"Thank god your alive." He released me and looked at me.

"You still hate me don't you." He looked down and turned to his illusion form then got up and was about to walk away.

"Thanks...for....saving me." I looked at him and he smiled.

He gave me a hand to take and I took it and he helped me up.

"You have your hands on my girl."

I looked behind Jeff and Jeff turned around, there standing with a sharp knife in his hand was Conner.

Jeff gave him a glare.

"I thought you were dead." Jeff said.

"Well you thought wrong. Who the hell are you?" Jeff took a step forward but I pulled his arm.

He turned into his usual form and Conners eyes widened.

Then he smiles and held his knife tight.

"What do you want?" I said.

He looked at me but Jeff hid me behind his back so he couldn't see me.

"I came looking for you"

I was soaking wet and it was getting cold so I but my hands on my arms to get warmth but it wasn't working.

Conner started walking toward us but Jeff took a step forward.

"Don't come any closer or you'll regret it." He glared at him.

"What will I regret." He was about to touch me but Jeff took his knife out and was about to attack but he was took late.

Conner grabbed me in a flash and point the knife to my neck.

"Let her go!" Jeff yelled.

He took his hand and grabbed my face tight and it hurt and it made me let out a squeak.

Jeff got angry and started to get closer.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."


He lifted up my sweater and pointed the knife to my stomach.

"She might have an accident." he laughed and released my face that might left a bruise since he squeezed it so tight.

Jeff quickly lunged at him and pushed him on the ground and took out his knife and plunged his knife in chest multiple times and then he got off of him.

He killed him right next to me and blood got on me. I was on the ground and I didn't know why I felt so scared I was shaking like crazy.

Jeff took out his hand so I could take again but when I was about to reach I felt something sharp and cold on my stomach on my left.

I looked down and saw that Jeff stabbed me.

I took out the knife slowly.

"Ahh!" I yelled.

I finally pulled it out but the knife wasn't his because it wasn't covered in dried blood, it was clean.

Jeff's Prov.

I didn't know what the hell happened I just......I don't know.

She blacked out and I carried her to Slender.

Once we got there, I laid her on her
bed and Slendy came into the room and told everyone to wait in the hall.

He took both of his hands, he held it to her stomach and tried to heal her.

Nothing happened and he puts his hands by his side.

"Why can't you heal her?" I yelled.

"The knife you stabbed her with had a curse in it but I have something that might last her a bit."

He left the room and a few moments he came back with a needle.

I stood by my side. I looked at her and she looked pail.

I put my hand on her head and frown.

"It's going to be ok." I kissed her forehead.

"Let's hope this works." He entered the needle in her neck and there was a moment of pause and then she opened her eyes.

"That should by us some time." Slendy said.

Slendy went back to his room and looked everywhere to find the cure.

She pointed at the self and then I walked towards it.

I pulled out a book that has stitches and wire tied around it that prevented someone to open it.

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