Chapter 6

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Daniel and I are lying on the bed when I hear a light tap on the door.  “Carolina, it’s your Mother.  May I come in?”

            I let out a squeak, and grab Daniel’s hand, pulling him off the bed.  “I’m not presentable,” I say as I attempt to put my dress back on.  Daniel helps me pull it on, and fastens the back. 

            “I’m so sorry about earlier,” she says from the door.  “I swear that it’s just me.”

            “I’ll be there in a moment,” I yell.  I push Daniel under the bed and glance in the mirror.  My hair is all loose and tangled, but I can say that I was sleeping.  My outfit doesn’t look nice either, but I suppose it’s the best I’ll get. 

            I pull open the door with a bright, fake smile.  “I’m so glad you came, Mother.  Please, sit down.”

            I feel as if I’m speaking to a stranger.  For all she knows about me, I might as well be.  “I came to tell you that you’re not disinherited from the family.” I had honestly forgotten about that situation until she walked in.  She walks around to sit on the side of the bed.  I see Daniel’s shirt on the floor, and I kick it under the bed before she can see it. 

            “What made you change your mind?”

            “He never was really going to disinherit you.  He just wanted you to learn a lesson.  Did you learn what you did wrong?”

            “I spoke my opinion,” I answer.

            “Yes, well, it sounds rather harsh when you put it that way.”

            “It is rather harsh.”

            “It is if you aren’t mature enough to deal with life.”

            “I’m not immature.”

            “I never said that you were, darling.” She pats my hand.  “Whatever happened to your hair?”

            “I was sleeping.”

            “I assume you were sleeping in your day clothing as well?”

            “You assume correctly.”

            “Your Father doesn’t know that I am here.  I recommend that you don’t dine with us.  You must pretend that you took him seriously.  Do you understand?”

            “Yes, Mother.  Where willAlice be sleeping?”

            “She’ll be sleeping with your Father and me for the time being.  Will you be dining with that Daniel boy for the remainder of the trip?”

            “Yes, I probably will.”

            “Do you really like him?”

            Of course, she has to be all nice and motherly when the boy is lying under the bed listening to every word I say.  I decide that the less I say the better.  “Yes.”

            “Do you think that he could be the one?”

            I hold in a moan.  Instead, I shrug.  “He could be.”

            She looks at me, long and hard.  “Don’t do anything stupid.”

            I blush, for I fear that I have already done exactly what she’s referring to.  I nod so Daniel won’t hear anything.

            “Well, I’ll be off, then.” She stands up, kisses me on the forehead and she’s out the door. 

            As soon as the door closes, Daniel comes out from under the bed.  “I could be the one, eh?” He wraps his arm around my waist. 

            “You really shouldn’t eavesdrop.”

            He laughs and whispers in my ear, “I love you.”

            “I love―” I am cut off as his lips press against mine. 

            “It’s getting rather late,” he says when he pulls back.  “I need to get going.”

            “What else do you have to do?”

            “I’m no vampire, Miss.  Bonnell.”

            “Don’t ever call me Miss.  Bonnell or I will have to bite you, and you will be a vampire,” I laugh. 

            “Until then, I do have to get some sleep.  I’ll meet you here tomorrow for breakfast.” He kisses me softly and then leaves me sitting on my bed alone.  

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