Chapter Thirty

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~It's never the end, sometimes it's just the beginning~


            I woke up extra early and was glad that no one was awake. I went for a quick jog and came home an hour later. Luckily, no one was yet to be awake. Grabbing my cookbook, I started making breakfast. Another hour went past and there were six plates filled with what I felt like a very scrumptious breakfast and one tray of sandwiches. Perfect! I set the table before heading upstairs. First room: Liam.

            I opened the door to see him playing with his phone and smiling like an idiot. Probably texting Danielle. Lucky bastard.

"Hey big bro!" I called out.

"Lexi? Why can't you knock?" he said sitting up covering his body.

"Oh wow, as if I've never seen that hot body of yours," I said rolling my eyes. "Come on, breakfast's ready!"

            I left the room and walked into Louis's room.

"Seriously, if you were awake, why didn't come downstairs?" I asked as I saw that Louis was fully awake watching TV.

"I didn't think anyone was awake," he replied.

"Well, breakfast is ready, get your bum downstairs," I said and left.

            I opened the next door and saw Zayn still asleep with only his boxers.

"Zaynie!" I sang loudly with a shrill voice.

"Urgh, shut up!"

"No! Wake up! Breakfast is ready!" I said and chucked a shirt and shorts before leaving the room.

            I walked to the next room.

"Nial—" I opened the door only to have the door flung open.

"I could hear you sing Zayn's name from here," he said.

"Right, well breakfast is ready, head downstairs," I said and turned around going into Harry's room.

"Harry!" I shouted. His body jumped and he squinted his eyes. I went over to the curtains and opened them.

"Rise and shine!" I sang.

"Go away!"

"No! You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make happy," I said in a high pitched tune. "When skies are grey..."

I stopped and thought for a minute.

"You forgot the lyrics, didn't you? God, I swear you sang much better!"

 Harry for once in his entire life; woke up with clothes!

"Great you're up, breakfast is ready!" I said and left the room.

            We sat at the dining table. They had confused expressions which I ignored.

"Let's eat!" I said.

"What's the occasion? I mean; pancakes, pasta which is weird for a breakfast, a fruit salad, bacon and eggs with orange juice?" said Louis licking his lips.

"I just felt like cooking," I said shrugging. "Now, dig in!"

We had breakfast filled with funny stories and jokes. It was great! After that big breakfast, we all went to the living room to watch some TV.

"So, what are we going to do today?" I asked.

"I don't know, chill at home like always?" replied Zayn.

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