Chapter One

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~Remember, you're perfect just the way you are~


            It's a month before the summer holidays! This is going to be amazing. Going to the beach with Nick, barbecuing with Nick, going to the town's carnival with Nick and so much more! I checked myself in the mirror one more time before coming out and joining my girls.

"So, where are we going tonight?" asked Jess who was sitting next to me in the backseat.

"How about we hit the club tonight?" smiled Tess wiggling her eyebrows as she drove in the opposite direction towards the nightclub.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be out with Nick?" Sydney asked applying some lip balm on her rosy lips.

"Yeah, he had other stuff to do, something about a History project," I answered shrugging.

            We reached the club in 10 minutes. Showing our fake ID's, we stepped in. There were so many people around and I even recognized some people from our school here. That just means that Todd's business was going good. Who's Todd? Well, let's just say he's the guy you wanna find if you ever need something illegal.

"Remember guys, drink light, don't want anyone drunk tonight, we do have school tomorrow," I said warningly. They gave me an annoyed look.

"Do you always have to be so responsible Lex?" said Tess draping her arm over my shoulders.

"No, but between the four of us, someone has to, especially you, Tess, since you're driving," I said folding my arms.

"Hey, out of the five of us, only you and Tess can drive a stick, so I can be drunk all I want," said Sam and went to the bar. I sighed and sat on one of the chairs. Jess came minutes later with two drinks in her hands.

"Here, loosen up a bit," she said handing over a martini. I looked at her annoyed but she just gave me a knowing look as if saying 'if you don't drink it, I'll shove it down your throat'

            So, I drank. 

Moments later we hit the dance floor, dancing around like total maniacs. It wasn't long until my eye caught a very familiar figure. I squinted before gasping in shock.

"What is it Lex?" Sydney looked at me before turning towards the direction I was pointing at.

"Bloody hell," Tess turned the same way.

"Oh. My. God!" Jess didn't have to say anything since she was already halfway across the dance floor. We hurried up after her.

"Well, if it isn't Nick liar cheating Slayter," said Jess folding her arms. Nick jerked away from the girl he was snogging with. His eyes went wide.

"Jess," he said and looked at all of us until his eyes fell upon me. "Lexi,"

"Lexi," he said this time more louder.

"Oh, so, were you doing a history project on nightclubs or was it about girls and kissing?" I asked sarcastically.

"It's not what it looks like Lex," he said coming towards me. 

"Really now?" I pushed him away and grabbed someone's cup from a table and poured it all over him. "Jerk!"

"Lexi! Lexi! "I heard him call after me but he made no effort to chase me. I went up to the bar and ordered vodka.

"Err, can I see your ID please?" the bartender asked me. I glared at him. All second thought removed, he handed me my drink.

"Thank you," I gulped the drink in one go. Whoa. Dizzy! He gave me a look before refilling.

"Hey, take it easy okay," he said. I just gave a wave of my hand and gulped down the drink.

"Lex, are you alright?" Sam looked at me concerned.

"'I'm fine," I said smiling before draining my drink once again. I felt my head lighten up and my vision was blurry.

"Lex, you're drunk!" Tess shook me.

"No, I'm not," I laughed and fell off the chair. Okay, maybe I am kinda drunk.

"You know you can't handle your alcohol," Jess sighed and picked me off the floor.

"Let's go home," Tess said and all of us were out the door before I knew it.

            Crossing the road, I heard the sound of car horns. I stopped and a bright light shone in my eyes. I felt strong hands pull me away from the light and I fell to the ground before everything went dark.

"Lex! Lexi!" Sydney called out me name. I opened my eyes and smiled.

"Gosh, you just had three small cups and now you're drunk as hell," Jess and Tess picked me and dragged me to the car. Sydney was talking to someone else but I was too knocked to pay attention.

I didn't know what happened next but all I know was crying and falling into a deep sleep.

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