Chapter Twenty Two

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~The moon shines the darkness in your nights not people, so love god more than people~

         The next day, I woke up around eight and wore my jogging outfit. I need to jog and clear my mind. Harry and Niall haven't talked to me at all yet, I don't know why. I felt completely ignored but maybe that's the best. I walked downstairs and saw Liam reading the newspaper.

"Hey big bro!" I said sitting next to him on the couch.

"Are you off to jog?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm a little late but I need to keep fit," I said smiling. "Be back in an hour,"

"Are you sure you want to go today?" he asked. I looked at him.


"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling,"

"Nah, don't worry about me, I'll be fine," I said smiling. He looked unsure for a moment.

"Okay," he patted my head and I went off.

            As usual, there were tons of the paparazzi at the front gate which I decided not to shove through. So, I went through the backyard, climbed a tree, walked through my neighbor's backyard and went out their front gate. I started jogging through my regular route. After about an hour, I sat on a bench looking at the street. The blaring sun on my skin didn't seem to disturb me at all. Then, I felt a presence.

"Nick?" I looked at him wide-eyed and stood up.

"Hey there babe, miss me?" he said winking.

"Miss you? I resent you! What the hell are you doing here?"

"Aww, come on, resent is such a harsh word. You haven't been jogging for a while, I've been waiting,"

"Are you stalking me?" I said scoffing.

"No, well, not much," he said slyly.

"You're crazy," I said and started walking away. He grabbed me by the wrist and turned me to him.

"I'm crazy for you babe," he said. I slapped his hands away.

"I don't know what kind of diabolical plan you're working on but leave me out of it,"

"I miss you Lex," he said making me turn around looking at him.

"Miss me? I'm sorry but did that little bitch drop you already?" I said crossing my arms feeling amused.

"Oh come on, she didn't mean anything to me," he said.

"Same goes for you," I said turning around. He ran and stood in front of me stopping me in my tracks.

"I still love you," he said putting his hands on my shoulder.

"Oh wow, right, uh-huh, I'm sorry but you lost the privilege to say that after you cheated on me!" I said pushing his hands away.

"I only cheated on you because you wouldn't put out!" he shouted back in frustration.

"My fault is it? Well, I'm fucking glad I didn't!" he scoffed.

"Well, if you did, maybe we'd still be together," he replied flatly.

"I'd rather be with anyone than you,"

"Right, I forgot, you've got those two gay boys chasing after you," he said smirking. I scoffed.

"Isn't it obvious?" I said crossing my arms looking smug.


"That they're not gay you dumbass!" I pushed him out of the way.

"Yeah, whatever, oh, come on Lex, you know I'm better than all of them," he said keeping hold of my wrist.

"Urgh, now I don't even know why I dated you. You're such a jerk!"

"Better be careful with that tone you're using," he warned.

"Why? What are you gonna do huh? You cheated on me idiot! You didn't even apologize, I have every right to be angry at you and use whatever tone I want!" I started to shout. "You know what, no; I'm not going to waste my time here. You're not even worth the calories I burn, talking to you,"

            With that, I started to walk forward when he jumped in front of me. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my stomach and my knees started going weak. I held onto Nick's shoulder as he let me down on the ground slowly.

"I told you to watch your tone," he said whispering into my ear. He took out the knife and stood up leaving me on the cold ground.


"I'm sorry, I don't think you'll be able to that, you know being dead and all," he said and jogging away.

            Tears started spilling out of my eyes. The pain was unbearable. I tried to get up but only got a few inches from my previous spot and fell again. Oh god, my life flashed through my eyes. Well, not literally, just those few special moments with my family, friends, with the boys, Harry...and Niall.



        It was as if I could hear them calling my name. I tried my best to hold the pressure on my stomach but slowly, my body went cold and I just couldn't hold on anymore. I'm never going to see them again. My eyes tried to stay opened as I felt something touch my shoulder. Then, everything went black.


            It was 10 minutes after nine and Lexi still hasn't come back. I started pacing through the living room.

"Hey Li, are you okay? You've been at that for 15 minutes already," said Niall.

"I don't know, Lexi is not back yet, and it's already 9:15," I replied rubbing my hands together.

"Didn't she go jogging? She's probably on her way back," said Zayn.

"But, she said an hour, it's over an hour!"

"I think you're getting worried over nothing," said Louis.

"I'm not! She's normally punctual. I know something's wrong, I'm going to go find her," I said and went out the house.

            The boys followed me from behind saying how I was getting worried over nothing.

"I know her route," said Harry. We went through the front gate and pushed through all the fans and paparazzi. Harry led the way.

            We didn't get far when we saw a body a few feet away. Oh no!

"Lexi!" screamed Harry as he ran to get her.

"Lexi!" Niall also hurried after him.

When we reached the body, it was for sure Lexi. Harry cradled her head on his lap shaking her to wake up.

"Paul, come to Everton Street, you'll see us here, make sure there are no paps," said Louis on the phone.

"Lexi, no, wake up, please Lex, wake up," Harry kept shaking her body as tears fell from his eyes. Louis crouched down next to Harry and pulled his head to his shoulder for him to cry.

Niall just sat there looking at Lexi holding her hand.

            I took off the shirt I was wearing and pressed it down on Lexi's wound. I touched her pulse and there was one but it was really slow. I looked around. Harry was still crying and Louis looked as if he was doing his best not to. Niall was murmuring something while holding Lexi's hand. His eyes and cheeks were red. I saw a few tears rolling down but he made no sound. Zayn just sat there looking at the body as if he still can't believe what just happened. I tried her pulse again but this time...there wasn't any.

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