Chapter Three

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~Well, I'm sure you didn't go this far to just get this far~



            I felt more calm and refreshed now. All the gossip about how Nick was a cheater got around pretty, thanks to my amazing best friends and for the fact that a quarter of the people in school actually witnessed the scene. Oh, well, good for me, not so great for Nick though. I think he got beat up twice already this week. Yeah, I had a lot of admirers in the school. Go figure!

            I was at my locker when I heard screams and shouts from across the hall. Hooligans! I guess they're pretty excited about summer break which starts tomorrow. Ahh, even I can't wait! The shouts got louder and closer. Whoa, would I be embarrassed if I ever had friends like that and that's when karma hit me like a hard stone. As the screams got louder, I could just make out what they were saying. My name.

"Lexi! Alexis nutty Anderson!" Jess screamed waving an envelope in her hands. Oh no! Look away, look away. I used my History book to cover my face and started walking.

"Lexi!" Tess caught up with me and pinned me to the lockers.

"What!" I pushed her away as the others approached panting. "Seriously, you guys couldn't just call me to meet up somewhere? You had to act like completely nutcase people screeching across the hall,"

"You love us anyways," Sam draped her arm over my shoulders. "Especially after the big news,"

I frowned. What news?

"Well, I won't say that she will love us," said Sydney suddenly looking around nervous.

"What did you do?" I glared at Jess as she looked to the floor.

"Here," she said which came out more of a whisper. I took the envelope and looked at the receiver.

"Wait, what are doing with a letter addressed to me? And why does it say One Direction?" I asked looking at each and every one of them. I got no answer so I opened the letter.


Miss Alexis Anderson,

We want to announce that you are the winner of the contest that was held by the management of One Direction. For 5 weeks in your summer vacation, you will spend your time at the boy's private villa all the way in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, United States.

You are to be ready this Saturday, at 8 a.m for your flight. A limo will be arriving at your house at 8 a.m sharp. We hope we can have your ultimate cooperation for a safe flight and drive to the boy's place. Thank you and congratulations.

                                                                                                       One Direction Management

"They can shove my cooperation up your asses!" I said once I finished reading the letter. "Do you want to tell me what you guys did?"

"We kinda sent an entry under your name and hey, you won," Sydney said smiling giving me a hug before I pushed her away.

"And what made you think I want to go?" I asked arching an eyebrow.

"Well, the villa is nice, at least you can spend your summer in luxury," said Tess also smiling. Well, they were all smiling at this point. Idiots!

"I'm not the obsessed one, you guys are, either one of you go, or that plane will just have to fly without me," I said and dropped the letter to the floor before making my way to the cafeteria.

"Hey! It's not obsessed, it's called dedicated!" exclaimed Sam pouting as she joined me at the lunch table.

"And that's exactly what obsessed people would say," I exclaimed throwing my arms in the air which only made Tess slap me,

"Come on, you have to go. For us," pleaded Jess with her puppy dog eyes.

"Won't work, you're not as cute as you think," I said tapping her nose and continued eating my sandwich. Then, something inside of me clicked. I took the letter and read it back. This was received on Monday, but today is Friday, that means tomorrow...

"Why is it that this letter only reached my hands today?" I asked glaring.

"Well, if we gave it to you too early, you might run and not go," said Sam flatly.

"Right, cause you know, that's actually exactly what I would have done. Good job," I said patting Jess's back. Hard.

            After hours of arguments, slapping, shouting, hitting, I finally gave in. By this time, we were all at my house. The girls started packing my stuff as I lay on my bed. How could they do this to me? How do they expect me to stay in one house for five weeks with five boys that I barely knew? I don't even like them! Okay, sure yeah, their music is good and I pretty know much about them since these ladies talk about them non-stop every single freaking day.

           There was like one of the guys that is all goofy and plays around. Another is too uptight saying he's what do they call it? Right, daddy direction whatever that was. Another guy who was said to be vain and always checks himself in the mirror and another one that always eats or I think so. Oh, not to forget the curly one that Jess and Sydney are so 'dedicated' to. Gosh, I don't even know their names! I groaned loudly.

"Oh, come on Lex, we just want you to be happy," said Sydney sitting on the edge on my bed.

"Happy? How is sending me to some immature boy's house be fun?" I asked throwing my arms once again in the air.

"Hey, you might find love there, and forget about Nick," said Jess shrugging.

"Totally irrelevant! And with who? One of them?" I sat up pointing to a poster on my bed which Tess brought to 'introduce' me to each member.

"No! Maybe you'll find one on your morning jogs," said Tess, smiling and patting my head.

I slammed back on the bed and groaned.

"This is going to be a very long summer,"

           The next day came way too quickly.  I woke up to see my bags all ready at the door. After taking a shower, I went down with my bags and opened the front door. There was one more hour before the car was estimated to arrive. My parents had already said goodbye to me last night as they had a late flight to Paris. I made some toast and waited for the limo.

            An hour past and at eight sharp, the limo parked into my driveway. At least they're punctual. The driver helped me load my stuff into the car and drove me to the airport. There, another guy in black accompanied me in the plane. It felt like hours until we landed. I never did sleep on airplane rides. What's the point of being more than 10,000 feet of the ground if we don't enjoy it?

            At the airport, another limo awaited. It was what seemed like a two hour drive before we reached a huge villa. I climbed out of the vehicle and made my way to the front door. I took a deep breath, already starting to regret the journey here. But, before I could even knock, the door swung open and I was pulled into a big bear hug.

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