To All My Amazing Readers!

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  • Dedicado a All My Amazing Readers!

I think all my readers and followers are just so fucking awesome!!

That is why I'm leaving this note, just to tell you guys how much I love you!

Honestly, I never thought that this book would ever reach even a thousand reads but now, it's 17,000 + and for me that's quite an achievement!

So, what I'm trying to say here is that you guys are absolutely amazing! I wake up every morning to all your comments and they just bring a smile to my face.

If one day you wake up thinking nobody loves you, then remember wayy over here, I love ya!!

Lol, I think that's weird! Anyway, enough jibber jabber.

My targets for this book:

1) At least 50,000 reads

2) At least 3,000 votes

3) At least 2,000 comments.

I really hope I reach that amount!

Anyways, next chapter will be up in a few minutes, so, I hope you all will enjoy it!

Thanks again, and I love all of you to the sun!! :D xxx

5 Boys, 5 Weeks.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora