Chapter Fifteen

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~Sometimes, three deep breaths can make a difference~              

Harry walked towards me as I stared at him.


"Why are you still talking to him after what he said to you this morning?" he asked coldly.

"I'm still talking to you," I said flatly.

"That's different," he said exasperatedly.

"No, it isn't," he just stood there and gave me a disapproving look.

"Oh just shove off," I said pushing him away but he grabbed my arm.

"Lexi, wait," he said slowly. "Do you like him?"

"Like, as in?"

"As in, you're going to date him after the summer," he said.

"What? No!" I pushed his hands away. "Why?

"It's just that he—"

"He has a girlfriend, you idiot!" I exclaimed.

 "He what? But he said that the only girl he's thinking about is—"

"Caroline, his girlfriend, since his senior year," I said. "As if you knew,"

"Then what was all—"

"Did he threaten you or something? Like saying that we were secretly dating, I was in love with him or that I was his?" I asked arching my eyebrow.

"Well, you know, erm, it's...maybe," he squeaked. Typical Alex.

"He does that all the time, to every guy I'm close with. He's...just an ass that way," I said.

"Really? He—"

"Were you jealous of us?" I asked looking at him intently.

"No, no way, I—"

"You were so jealous! Geez, I'm not even your girlfriend," I shook my head and headed upstairs.

            Later that night, I went downstairs to make some popcorn. I didn't bother opening the lights when I heard footsteps. I swear that all of the boys were in their own rooms. I walked to the front hall when click! The light went on and I saw Louis in front of me.

"Arghh!" he screamed.

"Argh!" I screamed back.

"Argh!" We both started screaming. I hit him on the chest.

"Why are you screaming?" I whispered loudly

"You scared me!" I frowned and looked at him. He held his shoes in his hands. "Where are you going?"

"Eleanor's hotel room," he said nervously.

"Oh great, tell her I said hi," I started to walk up the stairs. "Wait, can I sleep in your room tonight?"

"Why?" he asked back.

"I want to watch a movie, I brought it today when I went out," I said.

"Oh, okay then, I'll just sleep in your room when I get back," he said smiling and went out the door.


            I rolled over around the bed. Why can't I sleep? Seriously! I put my hand over my forehead and suddenly a memory started to form. Man, I haven't hanged out with Lexi in a while, with all the news and stuff. Sighing, I remembered the day at the beach. I wanted to ki—

Knock! Knock!

"Who's there?" I asked.

"Lexi," I heard her whisper loudly from outside. Lexi?

"Come in,"

            She opened the door and smiled.

"Look what I have," she said waving a DVD in her hand.


"Come on, let's go watch it!" she said motioning me to follow her. I smiled and got up. She went into Louis's room and closed the door when I got in.

            I sat on the bed as she inserted the disc. Then, she motioned for me to wait and ran downstairs. 15 minutes later, she was ready with two bowls of popcorn and some drinks.

"Help me!" she cried as she walked into the room. I took the popcorn from her as she set the drinks on the table. She climbed onto the bed and we leaned on the head of the bed.

"War of The Buttons huh?"  I said.

"Yes, it's an Irish movie, I was thinking of you and I just bought it," she said beaming as her cheeks went a little scarlet. "It's kind of a kid's story but you're so far away from home, I was just thinking you'll want to watch something like this and this was the only Irish movie I could find. And, we haven't hanged out together for a while now,"

"That's sweet," I said and kissed her head.

"Come on, I love this movie," she said and started leaning on me.

            Every now and then she would laugh or feed me popcorn. I just loved the feeling of having her around me. I tried to keep my distance for these past few days with the news and Alex but the more I try to leave her the more I want her. I couldn't stand the feeling of her and Alex being together and that's why I just had to follow them the other day. But, Harry, what about him?

"Hey Lex," I said.


"Are you in love with Harry?" I asked. I felt her freeze before sighing and paused the movie.

"No, I don't know, I don't think so, why?" she asked.

"It's nothing, what happens if someone does like you?"

"I dunno, depends,"

"On what?"

"On who it is," she said shrugging.

"If it was me?" I asked her. She sat up and looked at me, probably thinking whether I was playing with her.

"Do you...?"

"Maybe," I started blushing for no reason.

"You're blushing!" she teased before leaning back on me. "I dunno Niall; you probably have to seduce me, flirt with me, ask me out, kiss me, hug me and never leave me,"

            I laughed as she listed all those stuff.

"I can absolutely do that," I said kissing the top of her head. She played the movie.

 After an hour or so, the movie finished. I looked at her and saw that she was already sleeping. I took the remote from her hands and closed the TV. Taking the covers, I pulled it over us. She groaned and started pulling me closer to her.

"Don't leave me," she said sleepily. I smiled and pulled her closer to me.

"I'll never leave you," I whispered before kissing her forehead.

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