Vanilla : Chapter 78

Comincia dall'inizio

They walked through a hallway with room and bathroom doors lined up neatly, baby pictures of Izzy, Connor and Riley hung against the walls indicating that they have had them for a long time. It was sad that the kids didn't have a close relationship with them

"Shes in time out at the moment, that's why shes not outside of her room like the boys."

"why is she in time out?"

"she was talking to herself again."

"that means time out? talking to yourself means time out?"

Sunny was confused, since when does talking to yourself mean time out? if that was the rules sunny was afraid she would never be out of time out. Everyone talks to themselves, not intentionally and sometimes intentionally when your lonely. Being the bubbly happy person that Izzy was she understood that she talked to herself, and with her super powers she was pretty positive that she wasn't talking to herself, but talking to her rabbit.

"yes, its our way of trying to break the habit."

She knocked on the door before entering the room, sunny stayed in the hallway though a look of disgust in her face but she tried to hide it as best as she could. Tina walked back out and cleared her throat

"you can go on in, her time out is over so she can leave her room when you guys decide to leave."

Sunny simply nodded her head as Tina turned to leave, she took a deep breath before entering the room. A look of sadness was in her eyes but when she saw sunny her face lit up like a Christmas tree.

"sunny.....what are you doing here? not that its a bad thing, came to see me."

"well of course i came to come see you, now don't just stand there. Come give me a hug."

She hurried over to her and wrapped her arms around her torso laying her head against her tummy. She giggled softly and kissed her tummy before looking up at her

"Mason says hello, he says my hair smells like green apples and that he likes green apples and so do you."

"you can hear him talking to you?"

"yes of course. oh and Fletcher says hi too."

Sunny turned her head to look at the white fluffy rabbit in the cage as Izzy plop down onto her bed.

"well hello Fletcher."

Sunny gazed around her room, the walls were painted yellow and she had pictures taped up.

"did you draw these yourself?"

"yes, there not very good though."

"are you kidding? these are amazing. you have a very nice talent other then your cool super powers."

She could tell that Izzy was smiling even though she couldn't see her, she look around at all the drawings and coloring's posted across the room.

"i couldn't stop thinking about you last night."

Sunny looked away from a picture and down at Izzy who fidgeted with her fingers, just like sunny did. If this girl wasn't the spitting image of her, she didn't know what was. She shuffled over to her bed and sat next to her.

"i couldn't stop thinking about you either Izzy."


She looked up at Sunny with bright eyes, god she was so cute.

"yep, i kept thinking about how cool of a kid you are, and how much i would love to see you again. And now here."

She smiled big before wrapping her arms around sunny, sunny leaned down and without thinking kissed her head, she was so used to kissing masons head that it just came naturally. it was a mommy thing.

"you're gonna be a great mommy, Mason is really lucky to have you."

She tightened her hug before letting go, sunnys heart swelled up a bit. She was sweet and cute and it made her heart throb. She looked at the time on her phone and sighed

"unfortunately i have to go now, i have a doctors appointment for the baby."

She could see the hurt in Izzy's eyes which made her want to say screw the appointment and just spend the day with the kids. Which gave her an idea, a good idea. A really good idea

"how would you like to come with me to the appointment?"


"yes, you and your two brothers, how would you like to join me."

"i would love to!! but i don't know it Tina will let us."

"oh they me...they will."

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