47. Here they come

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"You think so?" I ask still reading the book.

"Yes, of course."

He sits next to me and watches tv while I read the book for the eleventh time.

*2 hours later*

"What's taking them so long?!" I ask annoyed that my fiancé and Punky didn't show up yet.

"They're probably looking for the perfect stuff for the babies, they'll be here soon." He says grabbing his phone and ringing them.

He walks out the room.

I wait until he comes back.

"They're just stuck in traffic, they'll be here in 25." He tells me with a reassuring smile.

I keep rubbing my belly and thinking about how things are going to be.

I feel a sharp pain in my side.

I grunt.

"Sis, you okay?"

"Yes I'm fine, probably just one of them kicking." I say smiling.

Another pain shoots through my tummy.

"Fuck." I grunt.

I try getting up but I fall right back down.

Zach runs to my side and helps me get up.

We walk to the yoga room and I grab the big ball.

I sit on it and keep bouncing.


"I'm fine Zach."

I sit there for like 30 minutes and they still aren't home.

I feel a really hard pain through my lower tummy and my vagina area.

I feel liquid spilling.

"ZACH." I yell.

He runs into the room and stands right beside me.

"What, what's wrong?" He asks looking at me.

I motion to the ground, where there was water everywhere.

"I don't think they can wait on their daddy any longer." I say through clenched teeth.

I want to have my babies at home so we hired a doctor to come over.

There were people controlling my breathing with me.

"Where the fuck is Jay." I say squeezing Zach's hand.

"I don't know." He says trying to hold in his tears.

Jay burst through the door and comes next to me.

"Baby baby it's going to be okay, I'm right here." He says caressing my face.

"Don't you fucking baby me Jay, I'm in fucking pain." I say through clenched teeth.

He starts breathing with me.

"AHHH." I yell and squeeze his hand.

"PUSH, PUSH BABY PUSH." He tells me, while I squeeze his hands.

His hand is  really blue from me squeezing it.

I push and something pops.

"Okay miss, that was one, two more to go." The doctor says.

"AAAAHHH." I scream.

"Come on babe, you can do it." He says and keeps breathing with me.


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